
Power Plants or Candles? The Stark Options for Non-Elites!

Power Plants or Candles? The Stark Options for Non-Elites! Mark Sertoff NaturalGasNOW Retired Science/Technology Educator and Musician   [Editor’s Note: Using unsettled science, Joe Biden and Kathy Hochul want to shut down power plants, forcing a shift to green corporatist boondoggles enriching the already rich.] The EPA’s proposed rules for cutting emissions are so onerous that


Offshore Wind: The Great Stampede Over the Long Island Cliff

Offshore Wind: The Great Stampede Over the Long Island Cliff Mark Stevens NaturalGasNOW Retired Science/Technology Educator and Musician   [Editor’s Note: New York is nothing if not politically correct and its offshore wind virtue signaling amounts to a stampede over the cliff for New Yorkers who pay the bills.] The stampede to build offshore wind turbines


Boston Commoners Sold Out on Electricity by Boston Brahmins!

Boston Commoners Sold Out on Electricity by Boston Brahmins! Jim Willis on NGL Pipelines Editor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN)   [Editor’s Note: Boston is saddled with Brahmin politicians with zero interest in the plight of the common man in paying the electric bill as they play the phony climate game.] Here’s a fact that mainstream


Hunter Biden Green Energy Outfit Shows Us What’s Wrong

Hunter Biden Green Energy Outfit Shows Us What’s Wrong Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. …. ….  A Natalie Winters expose on the subsidization of a Hunter Biden connected enterprise by Joe Biden and the way the outfit operates shows all that’s wrong today. Natalie Winters, barely into her 20s, may be the only true


Natural Gas Now Best Picks – November 26, 2022

Natural Gas Now Best Picks – November 26, 2022 Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. This week; reparations rot, European energy insanity, the worst President and UK foolishness. Look for these stories


Natural Gas Now Best Picks of the Week – May 29, 2021

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. As usual, emphasis is added. What Goes Around Comes Around! Remember the story about Reagan and how the press called him an idiot for saying trees


Africa Wisely Rejects Imperialist Demands To End Fossil Fuel Use

Duggan FlanakinDirector of Policy Research, Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow … … [Editor’s Note: Africa is under siege by new imperialists, eco-imperialists, who want to impose green political correctness on the continent.] As the merger of climate change and COVID panic materializes before us, “global leaders” have found developing world voices to join the crusade


Net Zero Is Just Trash Talk to An India Seeking to Lift Up Its Citizenry

Duggan FlanakinDirector of Policy Research, Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow … … [Editor’s Note: The government of India refuses to kowtow to Western elitists trying to impose net zero carbon policies on a nation needing development.] India is just one of an increasing number of “developing” nation which have recognized that the mad rush toward


Electric Vehicles: A Fantasy of the Rich Subsidized by the Rest of Us

Paul DriessenCommittee For A Constructive Tomorrow …. ….  [Editor’s Note: Electric vehicles are trendy but not very Earth-friendly, affordable or emission-free, for that matter; no, they’re just taxpayer-subsidized virtue signaling.]. Tesla may be synonymous with electric vehicles right now. But within a few years, GM, Volvo and many other manufacturers will be making mostly or