EIA: Natural Gas Continues to Drive Power Sector CO2 Emissions Reductions

Natural gas is responsible for the majority of reductions in carbon dioxide emissions from the power sector, according to the Energy Information Administration’s 2023 U.S. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions report. The data once again demonstrates the critical role natural gas plays in reducing U.S. CO2 emissions. Read the full post on EIDClimate.org. The post EIA:


Biden Net Zero Goals Rely Mostly on Earlier Fuel Switching!

Biden Net Zero Goals Rely Mostly on Earlier Fuel Switching! … … Joe Biden, controlled and manipulated as he is by China and the corporatist world, is pursuing a net zero dream that is really a nightmare of impossibilities. Politicians who passed the Inflation Reduction Act touted that the bill would reduce carbon dioxide emissions


Pipeline Capacity Crunch Due To Biden War on Fuel Choice

Pipeline Capacity Crunch Due To Biden War on Fuel Choice … … Joe Biden’s puppetmasters want oil and gas gone, gone, gone and are doing all they can to destroy the industry, which is creating a pipeline capacity crunch. The Energy Information Administration (EIA) reported that interstate natural gas pipeline capacity additions reached a record


Killing Whales and Never Having to Say You’re Sorry!

Killing Whales and Never Having to Say You’re Sorry! David Wojick, PhD Journalist and Independent Policy Analyst  … … … [Editor’s Note: Green energy scams are resulting in the Federal government directly allowing something — killing whales — that it would never tolerate under any other circumstance.] The recent deaths of seven whales off New


Giant Wind Arrays Invade the Ocean As BOEM Spins the Story

Giant Wind Arrays Invade the Ocean As BOEM Spins the Story David Wojick, PhD Journalist and Independent Policy Analyst  … … … [Editor’s Note: The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) spins like a wind turbine as it pretends not to know giant wind arrays are bad for the ocean and right whales.] The world’s biggest


EIA: Oil & Natural Gas Will Be In High Demand For Decades To Come

There is an important and continued role for oil and natural gas parallel to the world implementing policies to increase renewable energy consumption, according to the Energy Information Administration’s 2021 International Energy Outlook. In fact, in its latest IEO, the EIA projects oil and natural gas will represent close to 50 percent of primary global


EIA Outlook: Canadian Natural Gas Will Be Most Economical Energy Source by 2050

The U.S. Energy Information Administration’s 2021 International Energy Outlook describes a promising future for the role of natural gas throughout the next 30 years or so, particularly for Canada. This year’s report looks at what long-term consumption, production and electricity trends will emerge between now and 2050. And for Canada, the energy future will definitely


Pennsylvania Can and Should Be Northeast Energy Hub

Nonfossil Jim Willis on NGL PipelinesEditor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN) [Editor’s Note: Pennsylvania has the Northeast in its hands if it will develop its resources to become the energy hub needed. Pipelines are the key to realizing it all.] Charlie Melançon is a former U.S. Congressman (Democrat) from Louisiana who played an integral role in


Nonfossil Fuel Propaganda Not Enough to Hide the Truth

Nonfossil Jim Willis on NGL PipelinesEditor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN) [Editor’s Note: EIA data shows nonfossil fuels have not made a significant dent in the complete dominance of fossil fuels energy sources and wind and solar aren’t even close] Is our favorite government agency, the U.S. Energy Information Administration, being corrupted by the Biden White


NGL Pipelines Now on the Way As Shale Revolution Continues!

Jim Willis on NGL PipelinesEditor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN) [Editor’s Note: Three NGL pipelines now in the works will make a big difference in the ability of the industry to move Marcellus-Utica shale gas products to the outside world.] We’re always jazzed when we unearth information related to the Marcellus/Utica nobody else has yet discovered


EIA: U.S. Oil and Gas Will Remain Critical Through the Next Thirty Years

The EIA’s latest Annual Energy Outlook (AEO) forecasts a long and steady future for the U.S. oil and natural gas industry and a positive picture for U.S. energy exports through 2050. While the report acknowledges that varying policies and regulations will shape this long-term forecast, it also suggests that pre-pandemic energy demand levels will return


EIA: Energy-Related CO2 Emissions Estimated to Have Fallen Significantly in 2020

Energy-related CO2 emissions may have fallen 11 percent since 2019, according to new estimates from the Energy Information Administration. While the majority of these reductions are the result of the COVID-19-related decreased energy consumption in the power and transportation sectors, natural gas played an important role as well. As EIA explained: “Natural gas, which accounted


Natural Gas Exports Set to Soar Thanks to Appalachian Shale

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. . … Appalachian shale production has been nothing short of phenomenal and has set the stage for natural gas exports to soar via both LNG ships and pipelines. Yesterday, chatting with a pro-gas friend, we both remarked on the fact the solution to low prices is low prices, just as


Air Quality Is Improving Every Day, So Breathe A Little Easier, Please!

 ... … … Air quality keeps improving and natural gas is a large contributor, along with technology and the ability to innovate that comes with economic growth. Breathe a Little Easier is part of our ongoing effort to explain the role that energy has played in improving human living standards over the past two centuries. This