
Joe Manchin Faking It to Recover from A Disastrous Sellout

Joe Manchin Faking It to Recover from A Disastrous Sellout Jim Willis on NGL Pipelines Editor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN)   [Editor’s Note: Joe Manchin is no “conservative Democrat” as there is no such species and he proved it when he signed onto the dirty, rotten, stinking Inflation Reduction Act.] Make no mistake–the United States


Katie Muth Case Keeps Getting Curiouser and Curiouser!

Katie Muth Case Keeps Getting Curiouser and Curiouser! Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. …. ….  Southeast PA State Senator Katie Muth wanted to speak for Dimock, lost at the Environmental Hearing Board, her attorney was sanctioned and she persists in suing. This case is so bizarre, one wonders if we have not been transported


Revolution Pipeline A Huge Success Story for Keystone State

Earl BakerEarl Baker Consulting and Former Pennsylvania State Senator … …. [Editor’s Note: The Revolution Pipeline, now online, will take natural gas through Butler, Beaver, Allegheny and Washington counties ensuring energy security.] In a momentous milestone for Pennsylvania, the Revolution Pipeline is now online. Over the past decade, energy has provided the Keystone State and


Sound Bite Green Policies Don’t Reduce Emissions; Natural Gas Does

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. …. ….  Natural gas has reduced emissions in a big way, but sound bite energy policies focused solely on renewables haven’t says PA Democrat Senator John Yudichak. Democrat State Senator John Yudichak represents Carbon and Luzerne Counties in Pennsylvania. He is a staunch friend of the trades and a fan


DRBC Eminent Domain Activity Act Gets Bi-Partisan Committee Approval!

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc.   Rep. Jonathan Fritz’s DRBC Eminent Domain Activity Act has received a bi-partisan recommendation from the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee! The DRBC takings bill, has been reintroduced in the Pennsylvania Senate as SB 305, the “Delaware River Basin Commission Eminent Domain Activity Act.” The same bill was also


The Delaware River Basin Commission Eminent Domain Activity Act

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc.   Thanks to Rep. Jonathan Fritz, the PA House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee is now also considering the DRBC Eminent Domain Activity Act. As we told our readers last month, Senator Lisa Baker’s DRBC takings bill, has been reintroduced as SB 305, the “Delaware River Basin Commission Eminent Domain