
Proximity to oil and gas wells linked to health complaints

A new study published in PLOS ONE in August suggests residents in southwestern Pennsylvania surrounded by oil and gas facilities may suffer from more health complaints, according to EOS. People living near oil and gas wells in southwestern Pennsylvania reported sore throat, burning eyes, headaches and more to researchers. Researchers estimated exposure to oil and


Setbacks Are But A Fractivist Weapon When It Comes Oil and Gas

 ... … … [Editor Comment: Fractivists in Colorado and other states are using setbacks as a weapon to try to destroy the oil and gas industry and there is nothing fair about them.] The ballot proposal to undercut Colorado’s status as a major oil and natural gas producer is back. Well, sort of. Two years


EMHS Kicks Its Food Bank Up A Notch with A Little Help from Its Friends

Rick HidukManaging Editor of … …  [The Endless Mountains Health System (known simply as EMHS locally) is unique in that it also operates a food bank with a little help from its friends.] Endless Mountains Health Systems (EMHS) joined a growing number of organizations in Susquehanna County, in July 2019, to help curb food


Colorado Health Agency Uses Pseudo-Science Modeling to Trash Fracking

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. …. ….  A Colorado health agency, under the thumb of a fractivist governor, is using air quality modeling, with no connection to reality, to trash oil and gas. What do you call a “study” that includes this? Two aspects of the modeling need to be understood, and they are 1.


Pa. senator proposes constitutional amendment to ban fracking

Pennsylvania State Senator Daylin Leach, a Philadelphia Democrat, is proposing a constitutional amendment to ban fracking throughout the commonwealth after a recent visit to Washington County, Pa., according to KDKA 2 CBS Pittsburgh. While in Washington County, Leach toured fracking sites and met with people who live near them. Following his visit, Leach, cited cases


New Report Shows No Link Between Fracking and Health Problems

A scientific review of more than two dozen studies aimed at linking oil and natural gas development to poor health found no direct association between fracking and illnesses, dealing another blow to activists trying to link the two together. The new report by the Health Effects Institute’s (HEI) Energy Research Committee examined 25 studies published


Study links higher radon levels in homes to fracking

Correction: Although the information contained in this article was originally distributed by a science publication and derived from a University of Toledo study, some discrepancies have been pointed out by The Athens News. The Shale Gas Reporter will take a closer look at the original study and Ohio Department of Natural Resources data to determine the full


Report tries to link childhood cancer to fracking in Pa.

An article published by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, “The Human Toll: Exposure and risks in the gas lands,” is stirring up quite the debate in Pennsylvania. Its release was followed by requests from environmental organizations urging Gov. Tom Wolf halt new permits for fracking until the state investigates the information included in the report. “The Human


Air Pollution a No Show at School Near Range Resources Site

Jim WillisEditor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN) A study performed at the request of Range Resources near some of its drill sites and a Washington County school campus reveals no air pollution impacts. One of the false allegations made against shale drilling is that it somehow pollutes the air–of particular concern near schools. A new independent


Shale Revolution Helps Prevent More Than 11,000 Deaths Annually

Lower heating costs – brought on by increased natural gas production from the shale revolution – reduced winter mortality rates from 2000 to 2010, according to a new National Bureau of Economic Research paper. As the NBER paper explains, “We find that lower heating prices reduce mortality in winter months. The estimated effect size implies