DRBC to Finally Decide on Fracking Ban?

Nearly three and a half years: That’s how long the Delaware River Basin Commission has been sitting on regulations it opened for public comment that could decide the fate of oil and natural gas development within the region. It appears this week the commission will finally (maybe) answer the question: Can shale development occur in


RGGI Advocates Spin Claim Pennsylvanians Are “Clamoring for Action”

Jim WillisEditor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN) [Editor’s Note: DEP collected 13,000 comments on RGGI and advocates are falsely portraying this as Pennsylvanians clamoring for idiotic “climate action.”] The Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP) received some 13,000 public comments on its horrible plan to force PA residents to pay $2.36 billion in new energy taxes


PennEast Pipeline Takes Another Step Forward in PA

Kurt KnausSpokesmanPennsylvania Energy Infrastructure Alliance … … [Editor’s Note: There was a Pennsylvania DEP virtual hearing on thee PennEast Pipeline project this week and the need for the project was demonstrated.] The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) tonight hosted a virtual public hearing on two permit applications for construction of Phase 1 of the


DEP Called Out by Environmental Hearing Board for Jumping the Gun

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. … … The Pennsylvania Environmental Hearing Board has called out DEP for hasty action in ordering a reroute of the Mariner East pipeline. It’s nice to see Pennsylvania DEP “hoist with his own petard.” Yes, very nice, indeed. That’s what just happened with a decision by the Pennsylvania Environmental Hearing


RGGI Carbon Tax on Pennsylvanians Being Pushed by Wolf’s DEP

Jim WillisEditor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN) [Editor’s Note: Tom Wolf has his nose up in the air again as tells Pennsylvanians RGGI and a 50% increase in electric rates will be good for them!] Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf and his Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP) continue to push a plan that will raise Pennsylvania residents’


Gene Yaw Blasts New York and New Jersey for Axing NESE Pipeline

Jim WillisEditor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN) Pennsylvania State Senator Gene Yaw lays it all out, with unapologetic language; New York and New Jersey governors stuck it to everyone in vetoing NESE. Pennsylvania State Senator Gene Yaw, a Republican whose district covers portions of central and northeast PA, has his praiseworthy moments. This is one of


NESE, Thought Dead, Rises from the Depths of Loch Jersey

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. . … If you NESE was dead and all we’d ever see is a corpse on the New Jersey shore, you were wrong. The project is very much alive and again in front of NJ-DEP. NESE lives. Many thought it was dead and had sunk to the bottom of Raritan


RGGI for Pennsylvania? Are You Kidding, Governor?

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. … …  RGGI for Pennsylvania? Well, that’s what Governor Tom Wolf wants, but it makes no sense at all when you look at the facts on and what we’ve done without it. Tom Wolf wants us in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a multi-state group designed to produce as


Court Finds Tony “the Tiger” Ingraffea Clawless and Toothless

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. … …  Pennsylvania’s Commonwealth Court has found Tony “the Tiger” Ingraffea wasn’t a credible witness in a case ginned up by the Heinz Endowments. He’s clawless! Two and one-half years ago we ran a guest post from our buddy Jim Willis about how Heinz Endowments shills such as the Clean


Mariner East Still Being Targeted by Southeast Pennsylvania Pols

Kurt KnausSpokesmanPennsylvania Energy Infrastructure Alliance … … The Mariner East pipeline is still being attacked by Southeast PA legislators determined to undermine this important project for the sake of political gain. A small group of mostly southeastern Pennsylvania pipeline opponents came to Harrisburg today to urge Gov. Tom Wolf to halt construction of the legally


DRBC Executive Director Steve Tambini Gets Snarky Over Lobbying Assertion

Betty SutliffWayne County LandownerUDRBC Secretary   DRBC Executive Director Steve Tambini didn’t like being called out for lobbying the Pennsylvania legislature in opposition to Jonathan Fritz’s H.B. 827. On June 6, 2019, several members of the Upper Delaware River Basin Citizens attended the Upper Delaware Council (UDC) meeting in Narrowsburg.  DRBC Executive Director Steve Tambini


DRBC Injustice: Time for Harrisburg to Get Woke and Stay Frosty!

Betty SutliffWayne County LandownerUDRBC Secretary   Betty Sutliff, retired public school teacher and UDRBC secretary provides a lesson on the DRBC injustice, getting woke, staying frosty and other Millennial stuff. According to Steven Pratt, B.A. English and Teaching English as a Foreign Language, at the University of Utah, to be “woke” means you know what’s