Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Electric transmission by train may be coming soon if Alternative Transmission Inc.’s plan to move stored electricity by containers rail cars is accepted. It’s no joke. Electric transmission by train could well be coming soon. It all depends on whether or Alternative Transmission Inc. (ATI) gets a FERC
Environmental activists who have cheered the ongoing power transition in the United Kingdom — which went a record 18 days and 6 hours of powering its electric grid without using coal — are overlooking an inconvenient fact for their cause. The UK was able to maintain its grid stability by increasing its use of natural
The activists at Oil Change International said they wanted to dispel what they call the “myth” that American natural gas is a solution to climate concerns in their latest report on our clean energy future. Instead, they relied on and repeated their own tired “Keep It In the Ground” (KIITG) myths while ignoring key data
There is more good news for Americans looking to start a career in the oil and natural gas industry: Petroleum engineering tops the list of highest-paid college majors in 2019, according to CNBC. The network analyzed census data from career planning site Zippia on graduates with 174 majors, and the results are clear: “When looking
It’s a bright day for Fort Lauderdale. Despite a full-court press by climate activists, city officials have decided not to pursue a climate liability lawsuit. This is a blow for climate activists, who are hoping to expand their litigation campaign into Florida. Over the past six months, lawyers and environmental groups have devoted considerable time and
Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Combined-cycle natural gas power plants offer lower cost electricity than anything else, especially renewables, the true costs of which are never counted. Our friends at the Institute of Energy Research have come out with a study that finally examines the true costs of renewables, including their impacts on
Daniel B. Markind, Esq.Flaster Greenberg PC Is an Oregon fracking ban about to happen? Do residents of the Left Coast have the slightest idea what they are risking or what the downsides might be?. By a vote of 17-11, the Oregon State Senate last week passed a five-year moratorium on fracking in that State. The Senate
Last week, environmental activists upped the pressure on ExxonMobil and Chevron shareholders to pass extreme resolutions on climate change. Shareholders sent a clear message: no thanks. Chevron’s shareholder meeting included two climate resolutions: a measure to create a new board committee on climate and another demanding the creation of a report tracking Chevron’s emissions against the
Bill desRosiersExternal Affairs Coordinator, Cabot Oil & Gas … … The Shale Gas News, heard every Saturday at 10 AM on 94.3 FM, 1510 AM and Sundays on YesFM, talked about New York City blackouts, fossil fuels, an American success story and much more last week. The Shale Gas News has grown again; welcome Gem 104 as
Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. … … NY Post readers were treated to the one of the best editorials it has yet to write on the subject of energy. It demolishes Cuomo’s renewables delusion. The NY Post has neatly summarized the immense problems with Andrew Cuomo’s renewables delusion. Indeed, I have to wonder if some
Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Natural Gas NOW readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. As usual, emphasis is added. New York Is the Biggest Loser As Wealth Leaves the Empire State Andrew Cuomo, New York’s follower in
The activist who wrote a 2012 memo encouraging anti-fracking groups to connect health problems and fracking even when no evidence existed to support the claims recently co-authored a report admitting that the vast majority of scientific research shows no harmful air pollutants near oil and natural gas sites. As the report explains, “Air pollution near
Tom ShepstoneNatural Gas NOW … … H.B. 827, Rep Jonathan Fritz’s bill to compensate DRBC landowners for their huge losses from the taking that would result from a fracking ban, is attacked. Former English teacher and now Rep. Wendy Ullman is from Bucks County, Pennsylvania where the average household income in 2017 was $108,848 compared
Tom ShepstoneNatural Gas NOW … … Northeast gas shortages are what really matter when it comes to fighting back against fracking bans, pipeline obstruction and other fractivist initiatives. There is no doubt the Northeast (everything east from Pennsylvania) is at war over natural gas. Fractivists have been able to successfully demagogue the issue in places
Tom ShepstoneNatural Gas NOW … … Coal to gas switching in electric generation has averted 95 million tons of CO2 emissions and reduced them by 15% from what they would have been. Anyone worried about CO2 emissions ought to absolutely love natural gas. Coal to gas switching with respect to electric generation has had a