Invictus signs Zimbabwe gas sales pact

      Independent oil and gas company Invictus Energy announced Tuesday a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with a Zimbabwe-based manufacturer for 20 years of natural gas, Kallanish Energy learns. The gas will come from the Cabora Bassa project, in the onshore Cabora Bassa Basin in Zimbabwe, a joint venture by Invictus (80% ownership) and


Human Rights Being Sacrificed to Promote Green Energy Scams

Human Rights Being Sacrificed to Promote Green Energy Scams Paul Driessen Senior Policy Analyst, CFACT …. ….  [Editor’s Note: Human rights mean nothing to green energy scammers who want cobalt, mined by Congo children, for batteries to power their subsidized virtue-signaling EVs.] Global cobalt demand soared with the advent of cell phones and laptop computers.


Gates and Other Grifters Gouge Ratepayers and Taxpayers

Gates and Other Grifters, Gouge Ratepayers and Taxpayers Paul Driessen Senior Policy Analyst, CFACT …. ….  [Editor’s Note: The extent to which Bill Gates and other elitist grifters are driving energy and environmental policies is simply astounding. Plutocracy is here big-time.] Grifters have long fascinated us. Operating outside accepted moral standards, they excel at persuading


Farming Without Fossil Fuels Is A Matter of Going Hungry

Farming Without Fossil Fuels Is A Matter of Going Hungry Kevin Killough Energy Reporter – Cowboy State Daily .. .… … [Editor’s Note: Farming, energy production, free speech and capitalism are the foundations of civil society as we know it and yet some would throw it all away in hunger games.] When it comes to


COP-27, Reparations Notwithstanding, Is Simply Anti-African

COP-27, Reparations Notwithstanding, Is Simply Anti-African Paul Driessen Senior Policy Analyst, CFACT …. ….  [Editor’s Note: COP-27 is offering phony suggestions of climate reparations but it’s a head fake as elitists seek to prevent Africa from developing fossil fuels and a future.] As Americans give thanks this week for our many blessings, let us recall


Clean Energy Exploitation Is Hurting the Most Vulnerable

Ron SteinFounder, PTS Advance … … [Editor’s Note: Ron Stein and Todd Royal are authors of”Clean Energy Exploitations,” a book to help citizens understand environmental and human abuses behind “clean energy.”] The newly released book “Clean Energy Exploitations” helps citizens attain a better understanding that just for the opportunity to generate intermittent electricity dependent on


Africa Being Sold Out by Elites Drooling for Green New Deal

Duggan FlanakinDirector of Policy Research, Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow … … [Editor’s Note: Those pushing the grand scheme to steal trillions from the public for green eggs and scam now propose to sacrifice Africa on their green altar to corporatism.] It was quite a shock to Africa Energy Chamber Executive Director NJ Ayuk –


Africa Wisely Rejects Imperialist Demands To End Fossil Fuel Use

Duggan FlanakinDirector of Policy Research, Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow … … [Editor’s Note: Africa is under siege by new imperialists, eco-imperialists, who want to impose green political correctness on the continent.] As the merger of climate change and COVID panic materializes before us, “global leaders” have found developing world voices to join the crusade


Net Zero Is Just Trash Talk to An India Seeking to Lift Up Its Citizenry

Duggan FlanakinDirector of Policy Research, Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow … … [Editor’s Note: The government of India refuses to kowtow to Western elitists trying to impose net zero carbon policies on a nation needing development.] India is just one of an increasing number of “developing” nation which have recognized that the mad rush toward


China Is the Threat But Our Media and Politicians Have Been Bought

 ... … …[Editor’s Note: China threatens our security and environment but has bought off big business, big tech, media and our political establishment.] China is not only building coal-fired plants in its own country, but it is also building them around the world. As of 2019, China had 2,363 active coal-fired power plants and was building another


China Eco-Imperialism with Energy Threatens Future of All Africans

Duggan FlanakinDirector of Policy Research, Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow … … [Editor’s Note: China is exploiting the global warming policies of politically correct nations to put African nations under its imperialist thumb.] Joe Biden has pledged that one of his first acts if elected President would be rejoining the Paris Climate Treaty – which


Mozambique LNG secures $2.25B from host government

Total-led liquefied natural gas project, Mozambique LNG, has reportedly been offered a five-year, $2.25 billion funding guarantee from the Mozambican government. Partners at the $20 billion onshore project are said to have agreed to the guarantee in lieu of an immediate equity contribution from state-run National Hydrocarbon Company (ENH). The company owns a 15% stake


Mozambique’s LNG projects on track despite Covid-19: official

Mozambique’s national petroleum institute INP said on Thursday the country’s natural gas and liquefaction projects remain in line with the schedule agreed between the government and investing companies. INP’s chairman Carlos Zacarias told a press conference a day earlier that despite the suspension of activities in Afungi due to the Covi-19 pandemic, implementation activities for


Angola launches offshore bidding round

Angola’s National Agency for Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels (Anpg) on Tuesday launched its 2019 licensing round at a presentation in the capital city of Luanda, Kallanish Energy learns. The country is offering 10 offshore blocks in the Namibe and Benguela basins, which have been underexplored and are expected to hold significant reserves. They cover an