2020 Election

Trump vs. Biden: There Is But One Choice on Energy Issues

AmericanEnergy Alliance …. ….   [Editor’s Note: Donald Trump way surpasses Joe Biden on the energy issues as this comparison of their policies by AEA so vividly demonstrates.] President Donald Trump’s mantra of energy dominance says it all. Trump views American energy resources as strategic and economic assets that will make us stronger at home and across the


Biden’s Plans Regarding Energy Are Simply Not Doable

 ... … … Editor’s Note: Biden’s plans to recreate the entire U.S. energy system beginning with electricity over the next 14 years will result in enormous costs. Joe Biden’s climate and energy plans mandate a carbon-free generation sector by 2035. Since new nuclear and carbon capture and sequestration technologies are not economically competitive, subsidized wind


California and New Jersey Buy EV Poison Pills from Biden

 ... … … Editor’s Note: EVs are PC in places such as California and New Jersey where Democrat governors are eager to buy into Joe Biden’s electric vehicle scheme. New Jersey is following California’s lead in banning the sale of gasoline-powered vehicles by 2035 in line with Democratic Party presidential candidate Joe Biden’s push for


Joe Biden, If Elected, Would Ruin America’s Energy System

 ... … … Editor’s Note: It’s unclear if Joe Biden has a clear idea about anything, but he certainly doesn’t understand energy or anything about how it’s produced. In his debate with President Trump on October 22, Democratic Party presidential candidate Joe Biden said he would rid the nation of oil and gas—“over time, over


Ontario: Where the Green New Deal Was Tried, Failed and Repealed

 ... … … Ontario gave a Canadian version of the Green New Deal a decade to prove itself and it failed — spectacularly so — for the province citizenry. In February 2009, Ontario, Canada passed its Green Energy Act. The act entailed: increased integration of wind and solar energy into Ontario’s electricity grid, shutting down coal


Renewable Energy Model Isn’t Working, But Biden Wants to Double Down

 ... … … [Editor Comment: California demonstrates the foolishness of the all renewable energy model and New York is going down the same road and Biden wants more.] California set its first renewable portfolio standard in 2002 and currently requires 60 percent of its generation to come from renewable energy by 2030 with the next 40 percent


While U.S. Pipelines Face Siege from Extremists, China Moves Ahead

 ... … … [Editor Comment: Pipelines here at home in the U.S. are ever harder to get done as extremist opponents tie them up in courts, but China is moving ahead ever faster.] While pipelines in the United States face increasingly hostile legal challenges, China is seeing the importance of a national oil and natural