Club of Rome Still Running Things and Boiling Frogs?

Club of Rome Still Running Things and Boiling Frogs?

natural gas now

David Blackmon
Publisher and Editor, Energy Transition Absurdities

[Editor’s Note: As hard as it to believe, the completely debunked Club of Rome report from a half-century ago is being cited by today’s gentry who seek to control all of us.]

I have written for several years now about the growing influence of the latter day Club of Rome de-growth prophets in the climate alarm movement. Their goal for this “energy transition” is not what the narrative claims, which is that we can somehow adequately replace energy generated by fossil fuels and nuclear with wind, solar and electric vehicles.

Rather, the goal of these de-growth advocates is exactly what the term says: To do away with economic growth, since economic growth requires using more energy and creating more emissions in their world view. This movement within the movement has been kept largely under wraps by climate alarm prophets like Al Gore and John Kerry and Gavin Newsom and Jennifer Granholm and Germany’s entire ruling class, with occasional hiccups here and there in which some entity like Leeds University accidentally lets the cat out of the bag with an inconvenient study or report.

Club of RomeBut the proverbial cats have been escaping the proverbial bag with increasing frequency in recent months, as the Club of Rome disciples become emboldened by their ability to control the global narrative with the willing cooperation of an ideologically sympatico media establishment

So it was that on Monday, in a speech to an event sponsored by the European Parliament called the “Beyond Growth Conference,” European Commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen decided to just release the cat from the bag herself.

“I today want to concentrate on one point, and that is a point that the report got right beyond any doubt: That is the clear message that a growth model centred on fossil fuels is simply obsolete,” Von Der Leyen told her rapt audience of true believers before getting to the really good stuff.

“50 years ago, the Club of Rome could not completely envisage, for example, the potential of green hydrogen. It could not envisage that we might drive today’s electric cars. It might not be able to see the future we would have, for example with batteries from which we can recycle 95% of lithium, nickel and cobalt. It is not the daily procedure today, but we are able to do it. But already 50 years ago, the ‘Limits to Growth’ report acknowledged that while fossil-based growth was unbearable for the planet, humanity could devise a different growth model ‘that is sustainable far into the future.’“

Having laid that groundwork, Von Der Leyen then moved into a code-word filled admission that the movement is all about promoting socialism, repeatedly referring to what she dubs Europe’s “social market economy,” i.e., an economy that is centrally planned. So intent is she on embedding this terminology into the EU collective’s hive mind that she deploys it five times across roughly150 words:

“Our compass in this endeavour are the long-standing values – the true values, if you get it right – of the European social market economy. Our social market economy was never exclusively about economic growth. It was always about human development. It never had the sole goal of market efficiency and liberalisation. To the contrary: The social market economyfunctions in the interest of the worker and the community. It opens opportunities, also to set very clear limits. It rewards performance but also guarantees protection for the big risks in life. Beyond growth, it focuses on public goods such as healthcare, education and skills, workers’ rights, personal security, civic engagement and governance – good governance. Our social market economy, if you get it right, encourages everyone to excel, but it also takes care of our fragility as human beings. The values of the social market economy have driven us since the beginning of this Commission’s mandate.”

But this gets better.

In almost her next breath, she goes onto frankly admit that her government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic was not about public health, but about what the World Economic Forum refers to as “The Great Reset,” an effort to transform economies based in free markets to controlled systems managed by authoritarian governments.

“First, when the pandemic hit us. Our Recovery Plan, NextGenerationEU, has focused not only on restarting our economic activities after the lockdowns but also on transforming our economic model. With a push to decarbonising industries, energy and transport. With an emphasis on digital skills and digital infrastructure. With new investments for schools and hospitals. Beyond growth, NextGenerationEU takes care of the next generation’s future.”

See? It isn’t just about an authoritarian group of government central planners managing every facet of your daily lives, it’s about “taking care of you.”

With this speech, Von Der Leyen has let the de-growth cat completely out of the bag, and it won’t be put back in. Though couched in carefully-constructed and coded language, this speech is a pretty frank admission that none of what these western governments have put their populations through since 2020 has been about a virus or a pandemic or climate change or emissions or net zero or the environment.

What it’s about – what it is ALL about – is about using those code-word issues to justify enabling an increasingly socialist/authoritarian central government to exert control over every facet of our daily lives by enacting policies designed to restrict access to reliable, abundant and affordable energy, thus reducing our standard of living and ability to move outside a small geographic area. These are in fact the inevitable outcomes of literally every action being taken over the last 3 years by governments in the United States, Canada, Europe, New Zealand, Australia and any other country we have traditionally included in the Western World.

The ostensibly “free” elections scheduled to take place in those Western nations over the next 3-4 years will be decisive as to how this will all turn out. Von Der Leyen, Biden, Trudeau, Macron et al know if they can maintain their control and build their central planning states through 2030, it will become impossible to unwind it all. The frogs by then will have been fully boiled.

Club of Rome

To be clear: We are the frogs.

Editor’s Note: Yes, we are the frogs, and it is patently clear the Club of Rome yesterday and the World Economic Forum types today aim but for but one thing; power to control us, keep us away, empty our pockets and further enrich themselves. We are at war with elites and always will be.

It’s also worth noting page 58 of the Club of Rome’s 1972 study estimated the demand for natural gas would exceed supply in 22 years (1994) and, even allowing for new discoveries. would be there in 49 years (2021). That’s anything but the case, of course and, yet, a new generation of gentry class elites wants us to suppose we should live by rules based on such faulty premises.

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