Church of Climate Is An Anti-Carbon Cult Says Nick DeIuliis

Tom Shepstone
Shepstone Management Company, Inc.


Natural gas has reduced emissions on every score, including CO2 emissions, a fact the Church of Climate should love but it’s an anti-gas cult so…

The “Church of Climate” is a wonderful term. Nick Delullis is the president and CEO of CNX Resources Corporation. I wrote about him here, and while he may not have coined “Church of Climate” he employed it beautifully in an outstanding article in The Hill this week. What I like about the piece is the Delullis candor. He’s a standup guy of the first order.

When so many companies and institutions are are acting like lemmings and surrendering to green political correctness to abandon facts, logic and common sense, Delullis is rising up to effectively say “wait a minute, what in God’s name are you talking about.” He is speaking truth to those entranced by the Church of Climate lies and its refusal to acknowledge natural gas is not the enemy but the source of so many solutions, including those sought with the prayers of its adherents.

church of climate

The article is titled “The pandemic exposed the ‘Church of Climate’ as a fraud” and it’s a must read if you want a refreshingly frank and fearless discussion of the issues involved. Here is is the money excerpts:

Rent-seeking renewables, in a campaign to garner endless wasteful public subsidies, touted themselves as reliable planet saviors. But windmills and solar panels proved unable to save the supply chain, let alone the planet.

Natural gas manufactured domestically protects us. Converting to unreliable, subsidy-sucking renewables manufactured in China would be societal suicide.

Self-proclaimed thought leaders instructed us to move to the cities, live and work in tightly-packed cubicle pods, and adopt public transportation — all to reduce that evil carbon footprint. Today we find that the hardest hit areas from the coronavirus, suffering the highest mortality rates, are those very same areas.

Delullis states what others fear to say; that the supposedly low-carbon footprint of cities hopelessly striving to be free of fossil fuels, with all their grand schemes for concentrating population so as to support mass transit and eliminate the automobile, have proven to be the areas with the greatest health risks. He further notes the natural gas and other fossil fuels so hated by special interests and true believers heat and light our homes, power our businesses and enable our freedom of travel. It is carbon, in fact, and our use of it that has extended life expectancies and improved health in ways unimaginable before oil and gas were discovered and mastered. Civilization was arguably born of fossil fuels.

Read the whole thing and see what real leadership is. It’s standing up to cults such as the Church of Climate and rebutting their false accusations. It’s unabashedly pointing out the contributions of fossil fuels. It’s illustrating the economic and environmental foolishness of so many many renewable scams and calling them out for what they are. It’s identifying the special interests involved in attacking oil and gas while seeking government rent for those scams. Nick Delullis knows how to fight, how to speak truth to power. God Bless Him!

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