Refracs Becoming Common Practice for Oil & Gas Operators

Refracs, also called re-entries and re-completions, re-enter an existing and declining well to access more rock and pump new life out of it. Refracs are becoming a much more common practice for operators. There are two main types of refracs. While refracs are mainly used in oil wells, there are times when they are used…


Cleveland Democrat Floats Bill to Require Frack Chemical Disclosure

An anti-drilling Democrat member of the Ohio House of Representatives (representing a Cleveland suburb) would love nothing more than to ban all shale drilling in his state. He has just introduced a bill requiring drillers to disclose any and all chemicals they use for any purpose when drilling a new shale well under state-owned land….


Ohio About to Net $60+ Million for Drilling Under State Parks

A request by the Ohio Office of Budget and Management (OBM) to set up two new bank accounts to accept payments from drillers is the tipoff that drilling is about to begin under some of Ohio’s state land, including state parks. The state will receive nearly $60 million in lease signing bonus payments to drill…


3 Mo. After NY Legislature Passed CO2 Frack Ban, Gov Has Not Signed

One month ago, MDN told you that although the New York Senate had passed a bill already passed by the Assembly to ban the use of carbon dioxide in shale drilling (so-called “CO2 fracking”), Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul, a reliable anti-fossil fueler, had still not signed the bill into law (see 2 Mo. After NY…


Encore Energy Adds 3 KY Horizontal Wells to Sales, Drilling 3 More

Kentucky is not known as a hotbed of shale drilling activity. The Marcellus/Utica does not extend under the Bluegrass State. However, as we wrote about back in 2017, Kentucky does have the Berea Sandstone, which contains oil deposits (see Fracking Comes to Kentucky – Encore Drills First Horizontal Oil Wells). In 2017, we brought you…


Radium Found in Mussels Downstream from PA Frack Wastewater Plant

A new scientific study published in the June issue of Science of the Total Environment by two Penn State researchers confirms what everyone has known for the last 13 years: Recycling brine (frack wastewater) and releasing that recycled brine into groundwater supplies is not a good idea. The researchers sampled freshwater mussels downstream from a…


Anti-Shale Group to Hold Presser Outside Muskingum Watershed Mtg

For more than a decade, MDN has brought you stories about shale development on and under land controlled by the Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District (MWCD), an agency formed in 1933 to help control flooding and promote water conservation in the Muskingum River watershed area of Ohio, an area that covers 8,000 square miles (see our…


The Facts on NORM, TENORM, and Natural Gas in Pennsylvania

One of the aspects of the Austin Master Services (AMS) story (from Ohio) that captures people’s attention is that the frack waste at the facility contains drill cuttings, some of it with a low level of radioactivity. The headline-grabbing media touts that aspect of the story, overplaying just how “radioactive” it actually is. “OMG! If…


Cecil Twp Board Considers Revising Drilling Setbacks to 1,500 Feet

About 150 people packed a hearing of the Cecil Township (Washington County), PA, Board of Supervisors meeting yesterday to express their concerns about Range Resources’ fracking activities near their homes. Some attendees were paid activists (holding signs), but judging from media reports, many were just local residents. The Board held a hearing to consider modifications…


Kentucky Experiments with Replacing Sand with Fly Ash in Fracking

Kentucky, like West Virginia, is known as a coal state. When coal is burned it produces (among another things) a fine powdery substance called fly ash that must be disposed of. Fly ash is composed mainly of silica. Sand! Fly ash is often used to make concrete and cement products. Researchers at the University of…


Radicals Win in NY – Senate Passes Permanent Ban on CO2 Fracking

Where do business dreams go to die? New York State, of course. Yesterday, the New York State Senate passed a bill to ban the use of carbon dioxide (CO2) in any process to extract natural gas or oil in the so-called Empire State. The NY Assembly (our state’s lower chamber) voted to approve the same…


CNX Buying 51M Gal. of Water from Beaver Run Reservoir for Fracking

Water use restrictions have finally been lifted at the Beaver Run Reservoir in Westmoreland County, PA (near Pittsburgh). The Municipal Authority of Westmoreland County (MAWC), which manages Beaver Run Reservoir, has issued a contract to CNX Resources allowing the company to buy up to 51 million gallons of water to use in fracking at nearby…


Chemstream to Reveal Full List of Chemicals Used in PA Fracking

Last November, CNX Resources CEO Nick Deiuliis signed a voluntary deal with Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro to expand drilling setbacks and several other regulatory steps not mandated for shale drillers under PA law, calling it “radical transparency” (see CNX Signs Deal with PA Gov. to Increase Setbacks, Other Changes). In December, Gov. Shapiro’s office announced…


PA DEP Finally OKs Use of Big Sewickley Creek Water for Fracking

In 2021, PennEnergy Resources made a request to the Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP) to withdraw up to 3 million gallons of water a day from Big Sewickley Creek and one of its tributaries for shale fracking (see Dem PA Lawmaker Wants to Block Use of Creek Water for Fracking). In March 2022, PennEnergy…