
Think About Energy: President Biden’s First 100 Days

Natalie DeCarioExternal Affairs Coordinator, Cabot Oil & Gas … … February’s free monthly Think About Energy webinar will focus on the first 100 days of the Biden Administration and their plan moving forward. As we roll into a new year, we know that few things remain unchanged. A new administration, economic recovery from a global pandemic,


Philadelphia Has A Great Future, If We But Welcome It – Part III

Garland L. Thompson, Esq.Journalist and Author, Philadelphia [Editor’s Note: Garland Thompson and his associate John Linder lay out an extremely compelling case for the Philadelphia economy if only it will have it.] On the eve of a new presidential administration, my colleagues and I on the downstream end of the business decided to send out


Philadelphia Has A Great Future, If We But Welcome It – Part II

Garland L. Thompson, Esq.Journalist and Author, Philadelphia [Editor’s Note: Garland Thompson and his associate John Linder lay out an extremely compelling case for the Philadelphia economy if only it will have it.] On the eve of a new presidential administration, my colleagues and I on the downstream end of the business decided to send out


Philadelphia Has A Great Future, If We But Welcome It – Part I

Garland L. Thompson, Esq.Journalist and Author, Philadelphia [Editor’s Note: Garland Thompson and his associate John Linder lay out an extremely compelling case for the Philadelphia economy if only it will have it.] On the eve of a new presidential administration, my colleagues and I on the downstream end of the business decided to send out


Now, This Is Real Workforce Development. Thank Natural Gas!

Kelsey MulacCabot Oil & GasExternal Affairs, Pittsburgh … … When it comes to workforce development, no one has done more than the natural gas industry. Cabot Oil & Gas offers a great example of how much has be done. In Pennsylvania, where Cabot’s operations are located, the oil and gas industry accounts for more than