wind energy

The Offshore Wind Debacle: Out of Control Costs and Impacts

The Offshore Wind Debacle: Out of Control Costs and Impacts Roger Caiazza (on the subject of) Independent Researcher and Publisher, Pragmatic Environmentalist of New York   … [Editor’s Note: The offshore wind bubble is bursting and revealing the debacle the whole scam really is, with out of control costs, big environmental impacts and no plan


Wind Turbine Waste: The Toxic Result of “Green Energy”

Wind Turbine Waste: The Toxic Result of “Green Energy” Ronald Stein Ambassador for Energy & Infrastructure, Irvine, California .. .… … [Editor’s Note: Wind turbine waste is becoming a major issue as heavily subsidized industrial wind facilities age out and, like the subsidies, the stuff just doesn’t go away.] Wind turbines, once touted by the


Renewable Corporate Welfare for Renewables Keeps On A-Coming

Renewable Corporate Welfare for Renewables Keeps On A-Coming … … [Editor’s Note: Joe Biden, the “Big Guy”of the Biden Crime Family, wants ever more corporate welfare for renewable energy schemes that continue to grow after 30 years of grift.] The Biden Administration has proposed a new regulation that will cut project fees for wind and


Galicia Goofs Up As Foz Fights Becoming A Windy City

Galicia Goofs Up As Foz Fights Becoming A Windy City David Blackmon Publisher and Editor, Energy Transition Absurdities … … [Editor’s Note: Galicia mandates a power plant that has to be five times the normal size required for reliability because it will also be required to use only wind for energy. There are so many


Natural Gas Now Best Picks – June 11, 2022

Natural Gas Now Best Picks – June 11, 2022 Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. This week: PLUTO, demolitions and Biden China love! Wind Turbines Don’t Last Forever! Green Grifter Puppet


Wind Power Hits Wall in Germany: Is U.S. Paying Attention?

wind power Tom Shepstone on PennEastShepstone Management Company, Inc. PennEast slave labor slave labor Germany has done wind power like no one has done wind power and now it’s hit a wall of inevitable opposition as available land disappears and other issues mount. The following post, authored by Alex Reichmuth, is from The Global Warming


Natural Gas Reserves Are A Lifesaver in Oklahoma Right Now

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. . … It isn’t just Texas. It’s also Oklahoma and it’s a life or death situation in many cases with natural gas reserves being critical. The situation in Texas is getting all the attention, but it’s also Oklahoma. The cold weather global warmists keep telling us is behind us is


Wind Turbine Disposal Issue Shows There’s No Free Renewables Lunch

 ... … … Shocker! Getting rid of an old wind turbine is proving to be quite an issue and a high expense, showing renewables are neither free nor especially green. In Minnesota, Xcel Energy estimates conservatively that it will cost $532,000 (in 2019 dollars) to decommission each of its wind turbines—a total cost of $71 million to decommission the 134


Offshore Wind, The Green Energy Scam for All Time

Paul DriessenCommittee For A Constructive Tomorrow …. ….  Offshore wind is a major scam. It makes no economic sense whatsoever, requires massive support infrastructure, disturbs oceans and accomplishes little. Can anti-fossil fuel policies based on climate crisis alarmism possibly get any more insane than this? In what might be described as a pre-Halloween trick of


Ocean City Demonstrates Off-Shore Wind Is No Easy Sell

 ... … … Green new dealers always make it sound as if their projects face no obstacles, have no impacts and are widely desired but Ocean City shows that’s not true. The Maryland Public Service Commission (PSC) approved two offshore wind projects off the coast of Ocean City in 2017. But, Ocean City officials want


Is Wind Power, Having Inflated Electric Prices, Done in Germany?

 ... … … Wind power has successfully exploded electricity prices in Germany, turned its neighbors into enemies and cost a fortune. Has it, at last, run its course? New onshore wind energy is in a steep decline in Germany. The expansion of onshore wind power in the first half of this year is at its


Offshore Wind Is No Easy Sell and Carries A High Environmental Price

 ... … … Offshore wind projects along the East Coast are being regularly challenged successfully on environmental impact grounds, especially by fishermen. In Massachusetts and New York, fisherman seem to be winning small victories against offshore wind farms. The Edgartown Conservation Commission in Massachusetts denied an underwater cable route off the town’s coastline, citing the potential


More Power Outages Coming to New York, Thanks to Cuomo

 ... … … If you live in New York State you can expect more power outages thanks to Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s pandering attempts to curry favor with green energy scammers. New York’s Con Ed has had two major power outages within a two-week period—and the power outages probably will continue given the state’s new policies


Leisure Class Environmentalists Are Too Often Just Selfish NIMBYs

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Leisure class environmentalists are the bane of true environmentalism or, as I prefer to call it, conservation. It is nothing but selfish NIMBYism. I first became aware of leisure class environmentalists many years ago, not long after I won an “Environmentalist of the Year” award from a local