Upstate New York

Upstate to Downstate: You Have No Damned Idea Who We Are!

Upstate to Downstate: You Have No Damned Idea Who We Are! Chris Denton Attorney, Elmira, New York … …  [Editor’s Note: Attorney Chris Denton from Upstate takes the New York Post to the woodshed over an insulting editorial from December 29th saying rules for thee and none for me.] Your editorial of December 29, 2022


Buffalo Storm Shows Risk of Being Buffaloed on Green Energy!

Buffalo Storm Shows Risk of Being Buffaloed on Green Energy! Victor Furman Upstate New York Landowner, Shale Gas Activist …. ….   [Editor’s Note: Upstate NY is in great danger of being Buffaloed; put at the same risk of danger that Buffalo endured with the recent winter storm. Green energy is white death.] If not


Industrial Solar: Toward A Responsible Generation Policy

Chris Denton Attorney, Elmira, New York … …  [Editor’s Note: Attorney Chris Denton from Upstate New York addresses the crying need for a responsible energy generation policy with respect industrial solar facilities.] Like any endeavor which is valuable and which carries a large impact on humans and on this Earth, we need to create a


Dutch Farmers Show Us Climate Is the Excuse for Corporatism

Dutch Farmers Show Us Climate Is the Excuse for Corporatism Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. …. ….  Dutch farmers are facing condemnation of their land and seizure of their businesses in the name of the climate as rotten corporatism asserts itself in Europe. Dutch farmers are protesting what is unimaginable tyranny by their government,


Irrational Fear of Fracking Has Deprived Upstate New Yorkers of A Future

Victor FurmanUpstate New York Landowner, Shale Gas Activist …. ….   [Editor’s Note: Corrupt Andrew Cuomo exploited fear of fracking to advance his own future while stealing that of his Southern Tier constituents.] I remember well the power of fear as a child and it’s influence on my upbringing, Perhaps some of you reading this


Cuomo Cancels Thanksgiving: What Happens When the Police Arrive?

Chris DentonAttorney, Elmira, New York … …  Attorney Chris Denton offers up a terrific question as to what will happen as a result of Andrew Cuomo’s royal edict cancelling Thanksgiving.” New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, acting more like a monarch than a governor, has “cancelled” large Thanksgiving gatherings by decree (Executive Order N. 202.74) effective


Upstate New York License Plate Option Offered by Governor Cuomo?

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Governor Cuomo, responding to criticism about the limited options available to residents choosing New York license plate designs, offers one for upstate? Andrew Cuomo is receiving some heavy criticism regarding his New York license plate proposal. He is committed to updating New York license plates and has offered


Drill A Gas Well, Bring Home A Soldier: How It Came to Be

Victor FurmanUpstate New York Landowner, Shale Gas Activist …. ….   Vic Furman tells how “Drill A Gas Well, Bring Home A Soldier” became the slogan of Upstate NY landowners and explains why it’s important this Memorial Day. It was 2009. Three of us, Bryant LaTourette, Sue Dorsey and I were riding home together in


Upstate New York Needs Affordable Energy; It Needs Natural Gas

Richard DowneyUnatego Area Landowners Association Richard Downey says Upstate New York, and Downstate as well, desperately needs more affordable energy, which means natural gas, not more renewable energy. Oneonta needs natural gas. Supply is not meeting demand in downstate’s Westchester, Brooklyn, and Queens nor in Upstate New York’s Oneonta. The cracks are beginning to show.


Binghamton University Get A “Fracing” Spelling Lesson

Victor FurmanUpstate New York Landowner, Shale Gas Activist …. ….   Vic Furman and Frank Chernega visited with some Binghamton University students recently and offered them “fracing” spelling lesson and some other insights. This week, Frank Chernega, another guest blogger here at NaturalGasNOW, and I were invited back a second year to talk with Binghamton