McDonnell; A Green Mole Rather Than A Patsy? Investigate!

McDonnell; A Green Mole Rather Than A Patsy? Investigate! Jim Willis on NGL Pipelines Editor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN)   [Editor’s Note: Patrick McDonnell may not have been the patsy for Tom Wolf that we thought he was. He may, rather, have been a green true believer mole who stole our rights.] We renew our


RGGI Hits A Snag But Is It Just A Temporary Reprieve?

RGGI Hits A Snag But Is It Just A Temporary Reprieve? Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. …. ….  RGGI is Tom Wolf’s middle finger to Pennsylvania’s legislature, natural gas industry and taxpayers, but the Commonwealth Court just said “put your hand down.” Judge David Wojcik of Pennsylvania’s Commonwealth Court (the first appeals court for


Natural Gas Now Best Picks – June 3, 2022

Natural Gas Now Best Picks – June 3, 2022 Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. This week: Biden follies, enviro injustice and stupid Spain! Biden Sticks It to Energy Consumers 100 Ways!


An Information Standards and Fact-Checking Advisory Board Nightmare

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. . … Free speech is under furious assault by a merging of media and government establishing information standards for all of us. I had a nightmare last night. I dreamed I was living in the year 2025 and green political correctness had won the day. Everyone was “woke,” as they


DRBC Fracking Ban A Showcase for Corruption That Pervades Politics

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. . … You may imagine I’m putting lipstick on a pig but, mark my words, the DRBC ban is a fatal misstep by this gang of public agency thieves. Yesterday, I pointed out why the DRBC fracking ban was a fatal misstep for the agency. It brought to a culmination


DRBC Ban A Fatal Misstep That Could Make Landowners Rich!

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. . … You may imagine I’m putting lipstick on a pig but, mark my words, the DRBC ban is a fatal misstep by this gang of public agency thieves. Well, after a decade of pretending they weren’t stealing the gas rights of Upper Delaware landowners, the Commissioners of the Delaware


DRBC….a Pecksniffian Party of Phony Pontificating Plunderers

Bob NolanWayne County, Pennsylvania, Landowner …. Our friend Bob Nolan uses Dickens and Blazing Saddles to illustrate what a bunch of phonies the DRBC amounts to when it comes to us. Ironic how relevant Charles Dickens’ novel “Martin Chuzzlewit” remains in today’s world.“Seth Pecksniff, a character with a holier-than-thou attitude in Charles Dickens’s 1844 novel


DRBC Lawsuit Finally Going to Trial After Five Years!

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Federal Judge Robert Mariani has just issued an opinion that will, after five years, finally result in the DRBC lawsuit going to trial! It’s been five long years, but the DRBC lawsuit is finally going to trial, which is a very positive development for landowners. More importantly, the


DRBC Eminent Domain Activity Act Gets Bi-Partisan Committee Approval!

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc.   Rep. Jonathan Fritz’s DRBC Eminent Domain Activity Act has received a bi-partisan recommendation from the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee! The DRBC takings bill, has been reintroduced in the Pennsylvania Senate as SB 305, the “Delaware River Basin Commission Eminent Domain Activity Act.” The same bill was also


The Delaware River Basin Commission Eminent Domain Activity Act

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc.   Thanks to Rep. Jonathan Fritz, the PA House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee is now also considering the DRBC Eminent Domain Activity Act. As we told our readers last month, Senator Lisa Baker’s DRBC takings bill, has been reintroduced as SB 305, the “Delaware River Basin Commission Eminent Domain