Renewable Energy Mandate

Texas Still Blowing It with Reliance on Wind Energy!

Texas Still Blowing It with Reliance on Wind Energy! Robert Bradley Founder and CEO of the Institute for Energy Research Principal, MasterResource: A Free-Market Energy Blog…. .… … [Editor’s Note: Texas, the land of oil and gas, has, sadly, also insanely promoted uneconomic wind energy to the great detriment of all electricity using Texas citizens.]


Electric Prices Skyrocket with Gruesome Green Energy Policy

Electric Prices Skyrocket with Gruesome Green Energy Policy  ... … … [Editor’s Note: Europe has descended into an energy crisis attributable to green energy foolishness that left it vulnerable to Russian blackmail sending electric prices soaring and Biden is following like a lamb to the slaughter.] Power prices are expected to increase as the price


Coal, Ironically, Is the Winner in the Green New Deal Game

Coal, Ironically, Is the Winner in the Green New Deal Game  ... … … [Editor’s Note: Coal is the winner in the Green New Deal sweepstakes because politicians have bought into the global warming grifting scam, which has destroyed energy security.] Politicians and environmentalists claim an urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but in


Biden Plans to Buy Foreign Minerals to Force Green Energy on All of Us

germany … …[Editor’s Note: Biden wants us to depend on foreign sources (e.g., China) for rare earth minerals necessary to his green eggs and scam scheme.] President Biden continues to change his story to Americans—this time to miners. Rather than mining critical metals domestically, Biden intends to import them. He is caving to environmentalists who oppose mining,


Germany Energy Taxes to Go Green with Energiewende Lead It to Go Bust

germany … …[Editor’s Note: Germany energy solutions now being pursued by Biden, California, New York, New Jersey, et al have proven to be disasters on every level.] Germany’s scathing audit report on renewable energy makes readers aware that its Energiewende—the mandated transition to renewable energy—was and continues to be expensive, making the country’s residential electricity prices


Renewable Energy Model Isn’t Working, But Biden Wants to Double Down

 ... … … [Editor Comment: California demonstrates the foolishness of the all renewable energy model and New York is going down the same road and Biden wants more.] California set its first renewable portfolio standard in 2002 and currently requires 60 percent of its generation to come from renewable energy by 2030 with the next 40 percent