renewable energy

U.S. Power Grids Saved By Natural Gas, Again

Grid reliability – driven by natural gas – is paramount to ensuring equitable, affordable access to energy for Americans across the United States, especially those living in areas prone to extreme weather events.   This summer, many parts of the United States. saw record-breaking temperatures, which increased demand. Peak demand, alongside the shift towards electrification,


Renewable Corporate Welfare for Renewables Keeps On A-Coming

Renewable Corporate Welfare for Renewables Keeps On A-Coming … … [Editor’s Note: Joe Biden, the “Big Guy”of the Biden Crime Family, wants ever more corporate welfare for renewable energy schemes that continue to grow after 30 years of grift.] The Biden Administration has proposed a new regulation that will cut project fees for wind and


China Compromised Biden Sells Out U.S. Yet Again!

China Compromised Biden Sells Out U.S. Yet Again! … … [Editor’s Note: Is there nothing Joe Biden will not to do to please his masters in China? His pay-to-play schemes and subservience to China are, sadly, haunting us all now.] The Biden administration killed another domestic mining project in the largest copper and nickel find


Simon the Solar Powered Cat A Climate Scam Subversive?

Simon the Solar Powered Cat A Climate Scam Subversive? Gordon Fulks, PhD. Physicist and Consultant Director, CO2 Coalition … [Editor’s Note: “Simon the Solar Powered Cat” a cute little story put out by the CO2 Coalition to challenge the corporatist climate narrative a bit gets labeled heretical by the true believers.] Is Simon subversive? Of course


Grid Grief: Ideologues Refuse to Acknowledge the Big Problem!

Grid Grief: Ideologues Refuse to Acknowledge the Big Problem!  ... … … [Editor’s Note: There are, as the quote goes, none so blind as those who refuse to see. That’s the case with our electric grid, which is incapable of delivering green energy.] To reach the Biden administration’s goal of a zero-carbon grid by 2035,


Renewable Energy Obsession Leading to Energy Rationing!

Renewable Energy Obsession Leading to Energy Rationing Vijay Jayaraj Research Associate: CO2 Coalition.. .… … … [Editor’s Note: Renewable energy being compulsively imposed on us by corporatists, ideologues and special interests without concern for impacts is yielding energy rationing.] Whether it’s a hot Colorado summer or a cold United Kingdom winter, the misery of “green”


Manchin Taken for A Ride by Chuckie Schumer?

Manchin Taken for A Ride by Chuckie Schumer?  ... … … [Editor’s Note: Is Joe Manchin a “third way” guy, a sellout or just another damned politician taken for a ride by unprincipled sleazy fellow Democrat Chuckie Schumer?] Senator Joe Manchin is seeking a bill on permitting reform this fiscal year that could help accelerate


Europe Energy Policy A Bug, Not A Feature; So, Don’t Imitate!

Europe Energy Policy A Bug, Not A Feature; So, Don’t Imitate  ... … … [Editor’s Note: Europe is facing a massive energy crisis precipitated by absolutely insane, but perfectly politically correct, energy policies that should never be emulated.] But that is exactly what President Biden is doing. Europe’s move toward decarbonization 30 years ago has


Renewable Energy Is the Corporatist Rat Hole Where Your Taxes Go!

Renewable Energy: A Corporatist Rat Hole Where Your Taxes Go  ... … … [Editor’s Note: Renewable energy corporatists are grabbing billions of our dollars under the Biden-Manchin-Schumer inflation act, which also raises natural gas prices.] The Federal government has already spent well over $100 billion on renewable credits for electricity production since their enactment three


Biden Plans to Buy Foreign Minerals to Force Green Energy on All of Us

germany … …[Editor’s Note: Biden wants us to depend on foreign sources (e.g., China) for rare earth minerals necessary to his green eggs and scam scheme.] President Biden continues to change his story to Americans—this time to miners. Rather than mining critical metals domestically, Biden intends to import them. He is caving to environmentalists who oppose mining,


Biden Plan for Offshore Wind Is Wildly Expensive and Wholly Stupid

germany … …[Editor’s Note: Joe Biden, a puppet being manipulated by the worst sort of special interests, is pushing an offshore wind fiasco that will accomplish nothing.] Joe Biden has a plan to reach net zero carbon dioxide emissions in the generating sector. It includes the installation of 30,000 megawatts of new offshore wind capacity


Wood Pellets Power Europe As Continent Takes A Giant Step Backward

germany … …[Editor’s Note: Europe’s focus on biomass in the form of wood pellets to produce electricity is a step backward on CO2 and shows green energy is anything but.] When most Americans think about “green power” and Europe, they conjure up pictures of wind turbines and solar panels producing emission-free power. The truth, however,


Germany Energy Taxes to Go Green with Energiewende Lead It to Go Bust

germany … …[Editor’s Note: Germany energy solutions now being pursued by Biden, California, New York, New Jersey, et al have proven to be disasters on every level.] Germany’s scathing audit report on renewable energy makes readers aware that its Energiewende—the mandated transition to renewable energy—was and continues to be expensive, making the country’s residential electricity prices


RGGI Being Promoted with Climate Misinformation and Scare Tactics

Gregory WrightstoneGeologist and author of “Inconvenient Facts” .. … [Editor’s Note: Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf is pushing a new carbon tax called RGGI onto homeowners and businesses by using fear and misinformation.] Pennsylvania’s Democrat governor, Tom Wolf, sows fear with misinformation about climate change to advance plans to add the Commonwealth to the Regional Greenhouse Gas


Biden’s Plans Regarding Energy Are Simply Not Doable

 ... … … Editor’s Note: Biden’s plans to recreate the entire U.S. energy system beginning with electricity over the next 14 years will result in enormous costs. Joe Biden’s climate and energy plans mandate a carbon-free generation sector by 2035. Since new nuclear and carbon capture and sequestration technologies are not economically competitive, subsidized wind