FERC Approves Port Arthur LNG Phase 2 Expansion Project

Earlier this year, Sempra Infrastructure, a subsidiary of Sempra, announced it had reached a positive final investment decision (FID) for the development, construction, and operation of the Port Arthur LNG Phase 1 project in Jefferson County, Texas (see Port Arthur LNG Pulls Trigger on FID, Tells Builder to Start Work). Sempra worked out all of…


FERC Report Blames M-U for Electric Almost-Outage Last Winter

Less than a year ago, the Northeast experienced a major winter storm at Christmastime (Winter Storm Elliott). Do you remember it? On Dec. 23, temps in places like the Lehigh Valley of Pennsylvania hit 60 degrees! Within 12 hours, the bottom dropped out, with temps plunging into the single digits—a more than 50-degree change. Dec….


Study: Not Enough Equipment Ready to Comply with EPA Methane Reg

The American Petroleum Institute (API) is urging the EPA to delay implementation of parts of its proposed methane regulations (of oil and gas companies) because of equipment supply constraints. In a new study just released, oil and gas companies identified supply chain delays and challenges in buying the methane reduction equipment they would need to…


Biden Shamelessly Attacks Oil and Gas on Over 150 Fronts!

Biden Shamelessly Attacks Oil and Gas on Over 150 Fronts! … … [Editor’s Note: Joe Biden has relentlessly attacked the American consumer by relentlessly attacking oil and gas. Scan this IER list for the more than 150 ways in just 970 days.] Joe Biden and Democrats have a plan for American energy: make it harder


PA Dem Senators Intro Bill to Ban New Shale Drilling Using Setbacks

In April, MDN told you about a radicalized faction within the Pennsylvania Democrat Party trying yet another ploy to block all new Marcellus drilling in the state (see PA House Bill 170 Kills New Marcellus Drilling Using Setbacks). Danielle Friel Otten, a committed anti-fossil fueler representing part of Chester County (Philadelphia area) in the Pennsylvania…


Anti Challenge to Northern Access Pipe Dealt Blow in DC Circuit

National Fuel Gas Company (NFG) and its pipeline subsidiary Empire Pipeline have worked on a plan to build the Northern Access Pipeline since 2016. Northern Access is a 97-mile project from McKean County in Pennsylvania into and through Allegany, Cattaraugus, and Erie counties in New York that will flow Marcellus gas into New York State….


Biden Gives Middle Finger to Senate, Appoints Gas Stove Nazi Anyway

This is how lawless dictators behave. The U.S. Senate, charged with approving the people who run various governmental agencies, including the Dept. of Energy, rejected Jeff Marootian, nominated by Joe Biden to be the assistant secretary of the Dept. of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE). Why? Joe Manchin said Marootian wants…


Ohio Comm. Says 12.5% Royalties for State Land Drilling Too Cheap

In January, Ohio House Bill (HB) 507 became law with the signature of Gov. Mike DeWine (see OH Gov. Signs Bill Expanding Drilling in State Parks, NatGas “Green”). The new law allows shale drilling under (but not on top of) Ohio state-owned land, including state parks. HB 507 encourages (pushes for) more drilling under state-owned…


WSJ Exposes SEC Chairman Gary Gensler as Anti-O&G Climate Zealot

Congress created and chartered the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), but the President appoints the person who runs it. The Bidenista currently running the SEC, Gary Gensler, is a real piece of work. He wants to permanently institutionalize requirements requiring publicly traded companies to disclose their so-called greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and the imaginary climate…


Emissions Update for Proposed Dominion Peaker Plant in Va.

Dominion Energy, a huge utility company headquartered in Richmond, Virginia, recently revived a plan to build four small “peaker” electric generating plants in Chesterfield County, VA, a Richmond suburb (see Dominion Plans to Build 1,000-MW Gas Peaker Plant Near Richmond, VA). The Chesterfield Energy Reliability Center in the James River Industrial Center calls for building…


PA, OH Groups Join Chorus Telling EPA to Scale Back Power Regs

Everyone is telling the Bidenistas at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the same thing: Dump the faulty regulations you composed at the last minute that will result in closing most (if not all) of America’s natural gas-fired power plants. The latest group to tell (off) the EPA is a coalition of 87 businesses and associations…


Biden EPA Just Cut FERC Off at the Knees re Certifying New Pipes

In April 2019, President Trump signed an Executive Order (EO) instructing the Environmental Protection Agency to review Section 401 of the Clean Water Act–the section that grants states (and tribes) the right to have a say in pipeline and other infrastructure projects (see Trump Signs Executive Order Making it Harder to Block Pipes). In keeping…


Effort to Impeach DOE Sec Granholm for Lying Under Oath (Perjury)

Jennifer Granholm, former governor of Michigan and current Secretary of the U.S. Dept. of Energy under dementia Joe, sat before Members of Congress in a hearing and lied to their faces, which is called perjury. Granholm told Congress she does not own individual shares of stocks in companies. She and her husband, in fact, do…


With Cove Point LNG Imports Ended, Owners Want Regs Changed

Cove Point LNG exports roughly 1.8 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d) of Marcellus/Utica gas from the Maryland coast. The LNG export plant was conceived and built by Dominion Energy. However, Dominion has (stupidly) decided to divest from natural gas pipelines and other ventures and sold its ownership in Cove Point to Warren Buffett’s Berkshire…


ODNR Temporarily Shuts Down 4 Injection Wells in Athens County

The Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources (ODNR) has “temporarily” suspended the operations of four fracking waste injection wells in Athens County. ODNR says the wells present an “imminent danger” to health and the environment. One of the wells, owned by Reliable Enterprises LLC, is located in Rome Township. The other three are owned by K&H…