Leftwing Radicals Ask PA Gov. Shapiro to Veto Carbon Capture Bill

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. That appears to be the philosophy of a group of radicalized “environmental” groups attempting to pressure Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro to veto a new bill sitting on his desk, Senate Bill (SB) 831, the Carbon Capture & Sequestration (CCS) Act. Last week, a strong bipartisan majority…


New PA Bill Gives Shale Landowners Same Tax Breaks as Investors

Pennsylvania mineral rights owners (i.e., landowners) are about to get a well-deserved tax break. Thanks to a bill recently passed by the PA legislature, Senate Bill (SB) 654, individual landowners will receive the same tax benefits afforded to investors. If a company buys mineral rights and the right to receive royalty payments from oil and…


PA House RINO in Fayette Co. Continues NIMBYism re Carbon Capture

Last fall, MDN shared the sad news that Pennsylvania State Rep. Charity Grimm Krupa (Republican In Name Only from Fayette County) had turned against the Marcellus industry (see Anti-Marcellus RINO Intros Bill to Block All PA Injection Wells). Krupa introduced legislation that would ban the drilling of new wastewater injection wells in the state, making…


New PA State Budget Includes Third-Party Review of DEP Permits

A MAJOR victory for Pennsylvania Republicans that is not getting the attention it should. For years, PA State Sen. Gene Yaw and others have lobbied for review by qualified third parties to speed up the turnaround time to approve relatively simple permits issued by the Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP), including earth disturbance/erosion permits, known…


Officials Seek Public Alerts from Connecticut Compressor Station

The 1,100-mile-long Algonquin Gas Transmission Pipeline delivers natural gas, including Marcellus/Utica gas, to New England. Algonquin is connected to the Texas Eastern Pipeline and the Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline. Algonquin crosses through (delivers gas to) Connecticut and several other states. Three compressor stations are located along the portion of Algonquin that traverses Connecticut. One of…


PA Legislature Rejects Radical Antis, Passes CCS Bill, Sends to Gov

A civil war in the Pennsylvania environmental movement is not getting any attention from mainstream media. Why are we not surprised? We told you about the civil war earlier this week (see PA Antis Split Over Issue of Carbon Capture & Sequestration). One set of environmentalist wacko groups, including the Pennsylvania Environmental Council, Environmental Defense…


PA DEP Claims it Reduced Permits Backlog by Half Since 2023

Permitting in Pennsylvania overseen by the Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP) has been a hot mess for years. A Chapter 102 Erosion and Sedimentation permit sometimes takes two, three, or even six to eight months for approval — instead of the law-mandated 14 days. It got so bad that in the fall of 2019, PA…


DC Circuit Allows EPA Attack on O&G Via Methane Reg to Commence

EPA Administrator Michael Regan used a considerable amount of fossil energy and emitted tons of carbon dioxide to jet over to Dubai last December to participate in the COP28 confab, where he released a final rule that was “two years in the making” to force the U.S. oil and gas industry to cut methane emissions…


Cleveland Democrat Floats Bill to Require Frack Chemical Disclosure

An anti-drilling Democrat member of the Ohio House of Representatives (representing a Cleveland suburb) would love nothing more than to ban all shale drilling in his state. He has just introduced a bill requiring drillers to disclose any and all chemicals they use for any purpose when drilling a new shale well under state-owned land….


Owner of 3 Athens, OH Injection Wells Applies to Permanently Plug

In April, the Ohio Oil and Gas Commission upheld a regulatory order from the Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources (ODNR) suspending operations of three wastewater injection wells located in Torch (Athens County), OH, owned by K&H Partners, a subsidiary of Tallgrass Energy (see Ohio O&G Commission Votes to Shut Down 3 Athens Injection Wells). The…


Bipartisan Bill Would Study Carbon Emissions from China Products

Conservative Republicans in the U.S. Senate and House are pushing a so-called bipartisan bill to “study” the carbon emissions of products produced in the U.S. versus emissions for products manufactured in other countries, like China. We think this may be a slippery slope. We first wrote about this issue in March 2023 when the Senate…


PA DEP to Host Virtual Hearing for Lycoming County Gathering Pipe

Last week, MDN told you that two Big Green groups in Pennsylvania, Trout Unlimited and the Mid State Trail Association, are attempting to block a project by Pennsylvania General Energy (PGE) to install a tiny 3.7-mile gathering pipeline to connect several PGE wells to the Transco pipeline system, along with two 8-inch water pipelines of…


Republicans Say PA Gov. Shapiro’s Proposed Carbon Tax is Dead

In March, Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro traveled to Scranton, PA, to announce a proposal to “immediately pull Pennsylvania out of a multi-state carbon cap-and-trade program” (the so-called Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, or RGGI) and instead enroll PA in its very own RGGI-like carbon tax program (see PA Gov. Shapiro Proposes Own Version of Marcellus-Killing Carbon…


Only 2 Mass. GOP Senators Voted Against Bill that Destroys NatGas

Yesterday, the Massachusetts State Senate voted to have the state jump into the energy abyss. They voted in favor of blackouts and brownouts by banning the use of natural gas — coming in the next five years. It boggles the mind. Their vote (if confirmed by the House, which is a given) will destroy thousands…