Ohio Energy Leaders Agree – Energy Future is Not an “Either/Or” Moment, but an “And” Moment

Ohio’s natural gas and oil industry is committed to a dual track of lowering the industry’s carbon footprint while maintaining reliability and affordability, according to panelists at the Ohio Chamber of Commerce’s recent energy conference. Participants were confident that this is achievable through an all-of-the-above energy portfolio that unleashes domestic oil and natural gas while


New SPR Drawdown Plan Is a Political Ploy with No Long-Term Benefit to Consumers

Last week, President Biden announced further drawdowns from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). While the President claimed that the decision was “not politically motivated at all,” members of the media and current and former legislators were quick to draw connections between the move and the looming midterm elections. According to industry statements and data, the


Ohio Leads the Way in Responsible Oversight of Natural Gas Operations

In the midst of a global energy crisis where Ohioans have seen rising gas prices, familiar anti-natural gas activists are petitioning the federal government for increased government oversight of Ohio’s well resources, ignoring the state’s long documented history of responsible management. In a petition led by “Keep it in the Ground” actors such as the


Oil Production in Permian Basin Projected to Hit Record Highs

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, Texas’ and New Mexico’s Permian Basin, is projected to increase oil output by 50,000 barrels per day—bringing overall production to a record-high of 5.453 million barrels per day throughout November. This is the largest increase in oil production between the six oil and natural gas drilling regions in


UK Lifts Shale Gas Moratorium

The UK Government announced that it has lifted the moratorium on shale gas production in England. It also confirmed its support for a new oil and gas licensing round in the North Sea, expected to be launched by the North Sea Transition Authority in early October with the aim to boost domestic production. The lifting


Report: Even In Most Demanding Future Decarbonization Scenarios, World Needs U.S. Oil and Natural Gas

A new report from the Breakthrough Institute examines future oil and natural gas demand through the lens of four decarbonization scenarios and the possible impacts climate policies and international politics might have on the industry. While the report emphasizes infrastructure deficiencies and the need for economic diversification in these future climate scenarios, it also makes


Environmental Organizations Adopt Climate Litigation Tactics To Push Gas Bans

Environmentalist groups have been trying to chip away at residential natural gas for several years with increasingly restrictive building codes and building decarbonization mandates. Now the campaign is taking a leaf out of the climate litigation playbook, turning to the courts to try to pressure utilities to reduce emissions by reducing the type of energy


Natural Gas Is a Major Part Of the Solution To California’s Energy Crisis

California is once again struggling with an energy supply crisis, causing the state to look to natural gas power generation facilities to try to prevent blackouts and brownouts. As Politico recently reported, ”California scorns fossil fuel but can’t keep the lights on without it.” Officials have warned that up to 3.75 million homes – about


EU Votes To Label Natural Gas As Climate-Friendly

Energy exports from the United States are securing Europe’s energy future and will only continue to grow following the European Parliament’s vote to classify certain uses of natural gas as a green, or a climate-friendly, energy source, in its taxonomy of sustainable activities. The vote is a tidal shift in Europe’s view of natural gas,


New Gas Stove Study Finds Low VOC Levels, Doesn’t Assess Health Risks

A new study from an anti-natural gas activist group is high on scare tactics around gas stoves but acknowledges it found low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and never assessed the actual risks, if any, to residents. The study, yet another published by authors from Physicians, Scientists and Engineers for Healthy Energy (PSEHE), a