New Furnace Rule Built On Unverified Cost Savings Claims

High efficiency natural gas furnaces could soon be on the chopping block if a proposed new rule from the Department of Energy is implemented. The proposed rules would raise minimum efficiency standards from 80 percent today to 95 percent efficiency by 2029. If approved, it would ban cost-effective and highly efficient natural gas furnaces in


Los Angeles Ignores Cost Concerns, Bans Natural Gas In New Construction

 The city of Los Angeles has joined the list of California municipalities banning the installation of most natural gas appliances like stoves and furnaces in the construction of new buildings. The policy from the city council will also direct departments to develop a plan by the end of 2022 “that will require all new residential


EIA Outlook: Canadian Natural Gas Will Be Most Economical Energy Source by 2050

The U.S. Energy Information Administration’s 2021 International Energy Outlook describes a promising future for the role of natural gas throughout the next 30 years or so, particularly for Canada. This year’s report looks at what long-term consumption, production and electricity trends will emerge between now and 2050. And for Canada, the energy future will definitely


European Energy Crunch Shows Need for Affordable, Reliable U.S. LNG

American LNG exports to Europe are all the more essential since dwindling natural gas stockpiles and lower-than-anticipated wind generation have caused energy prices to spike. Energy prices in Europe and the United Kingdom are surging in the wake of a shortage of natural gas and have reached levels not seen in a decade. This has


U.S. LNG Exports Supporting Europe’s Low Carbon Goals

Natural gas is supporting Europe’s energy transition and plan for a low carbon future. Today, natural gas supplies over 20 percent of the continent’s energy mix and is expected to remain integral to regional energy planning with the buildup of pipeline and liquified natural gas (LNG) infrastructure. U.S. LNG exports to Europe will continue to


BP: Natural Gas Showed “Great Resilience” In 2020

Despite a drop in global energy demand due to COVID-19, natural gas emerged from the pandemic in a position of strength, according to BP’s recently released 2021 Statistical Review. As the report explains, global primary energy demand fell by 4.5 percent in 2020 – the largest decline since World War II. Yet, natural gas performed


Natural Gas’s Role in Improving Energy Efficiency

For decades, the natural gas industry has addressed customer demand for increased energy efficiency by incorporating incentives and partnering with the federal government. The resulting improvements have been a benefit to consumers, who want to save on their energy bills, and for businesses worried about their carbon emissions. The Department of Energy (DOE) should review


Still Waiting: Illinois Sees Bipartisan Support For Expanding Natural Gas Service But Governor Has Yet to Sign

Communities and states across the country are analyzing the best paths forward to lower emissions, while ensuring consumers have access to affordable, reliable energy. In Illinois, lawmakers came together and showed strong, bipartisan support for natural gas as a part of that future amid policies that would transition the state away from fossil fuels. At


No, IEA Didn’t Call For An End to Oil and Gas Development

The International Energy Agency’s new roadmap to a zero-carbon world lays out a potential path for the energy transition with suggestions – some more realistic than others – for how the planet could drastically reduce emissions and bring access to affordable, reliable energy to everyone. Although many media latched onto the notion that the report


U.S. LNG Industry to Go Carbon Neutral

Cheniere, one of the leading U.S. LNG companies, announced its first “carbon neutral shipment” to Europe this week after a tanker left Cheniere’s Sabine Pass export terminal in Louisiana and travelled across the Atlantic to supply Shell as part of the two companies’ long-term LNG contract. Unlike a standard LNG cargo, Cheniere’s “carbon neutral” shipment


Report: Electrification Is “Costly and Complex”

Even individuals that have advocated for an “electrify everything” path forward for the United States acknowledge the high costs and complexity of such measures, as recent GreenBiz electrification articles demonstrate. GreenBiz CEO, Joel Makower explains: “All of which is to say that while “electrify everything” has become the mantra of advocates of climate and energy