Rare Earth Metals

China Compromised Biden Sells Out U.S. Yet Again!

China Compromised Biden Sells Out U.S. Yet Again! … … [Editor’s Note: Is there nothing Joe Biden will not to do to please his masters in China? His pay-to-play schemes and subservience to China are, sadly, haunting us all now.] The Biden administration killed another domestic mining project in the largest copper and nickel find


Biden Plans to Buy Foreign Minerals to Force Green Energy on All of Us

germany … …[Editor’s Note: Biden wants us to depend on foreign sources (e.g., China) for rare earth minerals necessary to his green eggs and scam scheme.] President Biden continues to change his story to Americans—this time to miners. Rather than mining critical metals domestically, Biden intends to import them. He is caving to environmentalists who oppose mining,


Wind Turbine Disposal Issue Shows There’s No Free Renewables Lunch

 ... … … Shocker! Getting rid of an old wind turbine is proving to be quite an issue and a high expense, showing renewables are neither free nor especially green. In Minnesota, Xcel Energy estimates conservatively that it will cost $532,000 (in 2019 dollars) to decommission each of its wind turbines—a total cost of $71 million to decommission the 134


Renewables Reality: Isn’t It Time We Faced Up to It?

 ... … … The concept of a renewables reality is a foreign one to those wrapped in the ideology of the green new deal, but the problems with renewables cannot ignored. Mark Mills has a new report and an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal entitled “If You Want ‘Renewable Energy,’ Get Ready to Dig” that point out the physical