Phil Murphy

Natural Gas Under Attack by Grifters After Money and Power

Natural Gas Under Attack by Grifters After Money and Power Jim Willis on NGL Pipelines Editor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN)   [Editor’s Note: Posts from Marcellus Drilling News illustrate what the war against natural gas is about; grifting after money and power at risk to our energy security and health.] Everyone is telling the Bidenistas


Natural Gas Now Best Picks – August 12, 2023

Natural Gas Now Best Picks – August 12, 2023 Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. This week: Kathy Hochul admits battery storage isn’t safe, Goldman-Sachs Governor Phil Murphy is confused or


Corporatist Climate Crusaders Go After New Jersey Gas Stoves

Corporatist Climate Crusaders Go After New Jersey Gas Stoves Jim Willis on NGL Pipelines Editor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN)   [Editor’s Note: Goldman Sachs alumnus and New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy goes after your gas stoves and other appliances to steer more money his way with corporatist climate scam.] When a government bureaucrat says, “We’re


Natural Gas Now Best Picks – March 4, 2023

Natural Gas Now Best Picks – March 4, 2023 Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. This week; whale genocide deniers, Greta goes NIMBY and Apple goes green authoritarian. Look for these


Phil Murphy Proves Just How Much of An Unprincipled Pander Bear He Is

Jim WillisEditor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN) [Editor’s Note: Phil Murphy, an obviously confused panderbear, is trying to wiggle out of his DRBC vote on Gibbstown with a patently silly excuse.] The five voting members of the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) met in early December and voted 4-0 (one abstention) to approve a 1,300-foot-long pier


California and New Jersey Buy EV Poison Pills from Biden

 ... … … Editor’s Note: EVs are PC in places such as California and New Jersey where Democrat governors are eager to buy into Joe Biden’s electric vehicle scheme. New Jersey is following California’s lead in banning the sale of gasoline-powered vehicles by 2035 in line with Democratic Party presidential candidate Joe Biden’s push for


Phil Murphy, the Pander Bear, Plays Racial Politics with Energy

Jim WillisEditor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN) Phil Murphy, another New Jersey governor from Wall Street has decided to play racial politics with bill that will halt revitalization of poor communities. Not even Andrew Cuomo, as grossly corrupt as he is, has thought up something this vile and evil–using the currently toxic environment of race relations