
Climate Worship by Shapiro’s DEP Secretary Portends Dark Future

Public Citizen Foundation Aims to Sue Us All Out of the Way Jim Willis on NGL Pipelines Editor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN)   [Editor’s Note: Rich Negrin is a man of words—big superfluous words of the type used to hide radicalism—and climate is apparently going to be his schtick as PA-DEP Secretary.] We continue to


Carbon Dioxide Emissions Fell 7% Globally in 2020

So, global G ... … …[Editor’s Note: Global carbon dioxide emissions declined 7% globally last year and it wasn’t just COVID. So, why the panic and why is China going fossil?] Due mainly to the lockdowns from the coronavirus pandemic, carbon dioxide emissions are estimated to have declined by 7 percent globally in 2020, while U.S. carbon


Helium Resources Needed for MRI Imaging Extracted with Natural Gas

 ... … …[Editor’s Note: Helium resources essential to MRI imaging are invaluable and obtained via natural gas extraction. It’s why fractivism is a dangerous thing.] Liquid helium, an inert gas extracted from natural gas harvesting, is essential in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) equipment because it is cold enough to provide the levels of superconductivity required in MRI scanners. Without oil and


China Does Renewables Head Fake: Builds Energy Reserves with WuFlu

 ... … … [Editor’s Note: China let its virus loose upon the world and is now using it to build energy reserves, while pretending to be a renewables leader.] China is considered a developing country for purposes of the Paris Accord and certain trade treatments, despite it being the second largest economy in the world.


California and New Jersey Buy EV Poison Pills from Biden

 ... … … Editor’s Note: EVs are PC in places such as California and New Jersey where Democrat governors are eager to buy into Joe Biden’s electric vehicle scheme. New Jersey is following California’s lead in banning the sale of gasoline-powered vehicles by 2035 in line with Democratic Party presidential candidate Joe Biden’s push for


While U.S. Pipelines Face Siege from Extremists, China Moves Ahead

 ... … … [Editor Comment: Pipelines here at home in the U.S. are ever harder to get done as extremist opponents tie them up in courts, but China is moving ahead ever faster.] While pipelines in the United States face increasingly hostile legal challenges, China is seeing the importance of a national oil and natural