An explosion Monday of a section of Enbridge’s Texas Eastern natural gas pipeline in Ohio created a fireball of flame and damaged homes, prompting the evacuation of nearby residents. The explosion appeared to have destroyed two homes, Chasity Schmelzenbach, emergency management director for Noble County, Ohio, told Reuters. Enbridge said two people
The planned Nigeria-to-Morocco natural gas pipeline (NMGP) faces a myriad of challenges and is “unlikely to materialize in the short or medium-term,” Kallanish Energy learns from analysts at Fitch Solutions Macro Research. The 5,660-kilometer (3,516-mile) combined onshore and offshore pipeline would cross 13 countries along the West African coast, delivering Nigerian gas to Morocco. Following an agreement in December 2016,
U.S. natural gas usage jumped 10% in 2018, to a record 82.1 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d), the Energy Information Administration reported. Domestic consumption of natural gas increased across all sectors in 2018, led by a 3.8 Bcf/d increase in the electric power sector, due to a combination of recent natural
Argentina’s government has decided to change the country’s subsidy program for unconventional gas development leaving projects in limbo, Kallanish Energy learns from local producers YPF and Pampa Energia. The program, aimed at stimulating investments in the development and production of shale gas, offered companies a subsidy since 2013. Specifically, companies were offered a
Independent oil and gas company Invictus Energy announced Tuesday a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with a Zimbabwe-based manufacturer for 20 years of natural gas, Kallanish Energy learns. The gas will come from the Cabora Bassa project, in the onshore Cabora Bassa Basin in Zimbabwe, a joint venture by Invictus (80% ownership) and
Oil and gas production in the UK is set to grow over future decades, as a report published Monday by the British Oil and Gas Authority (Oga) shows higher projections than previously released offered, Kallanish Energy learns. Last year’s increase in both oil and gas production was 4%, or 1.7 million barrels of oil-equivalent per day
HOUSTON – There’s a silent battle being waged by no fewer than three groups trying to secure customers and/or funding for underground natural gas liquids storage in the states of Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia. With Shell Chemical pushing hard to have its world scale ethane cracker 30 miles northwest of Pittsburgh operational by the
If there was any doubt that the U.S. oil and natural gas industry is interested in investing in increasing production on federal lands, it was laid to rest this week: Seventy percent of parcels offered received bids resulting in nearly $22 million during the first onshore sales to take place since early January 2021. That
Mozambique’s national petroleum institute INP said on Thursday the country’s natural gas and liquefaction projects remain in line with the schedule agreed between the government and investing companies. INP’s chairman Carlos Zacarias told a press conference a day earlier that despite the suspension of activities in Afungi due to the Covi-19 pandemic, implementation activities for
Gazprom and RusGazDobycha have reached a final investment decision (FID) on the development of the giant Semakovskoye gas field in Western Siberia, Kallanish Energy reports. The partially offshore/onshore field in the Yamal-Nenets autonomous region has recoverable gas reserves of over 320 billion cubic meters (Bcm). The project is slated to enter commercial production in 2022
NextEra Energy Inc. announced this week it intends to sell $2.5 billion of equity units in the Florida-based electric utility parent, Kallanish Energy reports. Each equity unit will be issued at $50. Each unit will consist of a contract to purchase NextEra Energy common stock in the future and a 5% undivided beneficial ownership interest in a
The North Dakota Public Service Commission this week voted 3-0 to approve the proposed expansion of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL), which involves building a pump station in Emmons County to help push up to twice as much crude oil through the line daily. Pipeline owner-developer Energy Transfer plans to begin construction on the facility this
Worldwide liquefied natural gas demand is expected to double by 2040 to 700 million tonnes, according to third party forecasts, Royal Dutch Shell reports in its Fourth Annual LNG Outlook, Kallanish Energy reports. LNG in 2019 rose a robust 12.5%, to 359 million tonnes, Shell stated. “The global LNG market continued to evolve in 2019,
Crude oil prices rose Thursday after the U.S. government reported a much smaller-than-anticipated rise in crude inventories, Kallanish Energy reports. Gains, however, were held down by continuing worries about the spread of the Coronavirus outside China. The Energy Information Administration reported yesterday crude inventories rose only 414,000 barrels for the week ended Feb. 14, compared
U.S. solar industry jobs have jumped 167% in the last decade, from just over 93,000 jobs in 2010, to 249,983 jobs in 2019, according to the 10th annual “National Solar Jobs Census,” Kallanish Energy reports. The latest census, produced yearly by the nonprofit The Solar Foundation, found last year’s nearly 250,000-worker total was an increase