Oil Exports

U.S. Oil and Natural Gas Showed Resilience in 2020

As we look back on 2020, there’s no denying it was a challenging year for everyone, including the U.S. oil and natural gas industry. Production decreased for the first time in years as a result of the pandemic and its impacts on global markets. But despite these unique and unexpected challenges, the industry continued to


China Does Renewables Head Fake: Builds Energy Reserves with WuFlu

 ... … … [Editor’s Note: China let its virus loose upon the world and is now using it to build energy reserves, while pretending to be a renewables leader.] China is considered a developing country for purposes of the Paris Accord and certain trade treatments, despite it being the second largest economy in the world.


US crude oil exports continue growing in first half of 2019

U.S. exports of crude oil rose to average 2.9 million barrels per day (Mmbpd) in the first half of 2019, an increase of 966,000 b/d from the first half of 2018, the Energy Information Administration reports. U.S. crude oil exports also set a record-high monthly average in June, at 3.2 Mmbpd, Kallanish Energy learns. Despite


As Energy Exports Rapidly Increase, U.S. Energy Dominance Arrives

 ... … … U.S. energy exports are growing in a big way and are already leading to U.S. energy dominance, a result thought impossible by many until the shale revolution. The International Energy Agency’s (IEA) five-year outlook expects that the United States will overtake Russia and potentially Saudi Arabia as an oil exporter by 2024. The U.S. shale