offshore wind

Offshore Wind Projects Violate Marine Mammal Protection Act?

 Offshore Wind Projects Violate Marine Mammal Protection Act? David Wojick, PhD Journalist and Independent Policy Analyst  … … … [Editor’s Note: The offshore wind debacle continues as government ignores project developers who may well be violating the Marine Mammal Protection Act and killing whales.] New evidence says that offshore wind sonar surveys may have committed


Wind Debacles Drive Northeast Blowhards to Beg Biden

Wind Debacles Drive Northeast Blowhards to Beg Biden David Wojick, PhD Journalist and Independent Policy Analyst  … … … [Editor’s Note: Six blowhard governors from the Northeast who are stuck with offshore wind debacles are begging Joe Biden for our money to rescue themselves from their bragging.] Six Atlantic shore Governors are begging the Feds


The Offshore Wind Debacle: Out of Control Costs and Impacts

The Offshore Wind Debacle: Out of Control Costs and Impacts Roger Caiazza (on the subject of) Independent Researcher and Publisher, Pragmatic Environmentalist of New York   … [Editor’s Note: The offshore wind bubble is bursting and revealing the debacle the whole scam really is, with out of control costs, big environmental impacts and no plan


Battery Storage Fires Put A Different Face on “Green Energy”

Battery Storage Fires Put A Different Face on “Green Energy” Mark Sertoff NaturalGasNOW Retired Science/Technology Educator and Musician   [Editor’s Note: Battery storage and the risks it involves are the dirty little secret regarding “green energy.” The fires are hellish and are a clear and present danger to all.] Due to the intermittent nature of renewable


Climate Policies Are Hurting, Not Helping, the Environment

Climate Policies Are Hurting, Not Helping, the Environment Roger Caiazza (on the subject of) Independent Researcher and Publisher, Pragmatic Environmentalist of New York   … [Editor’s Note: Roger offers up some good video and some good fun exposing the fact climate policies in New York and elsewhere are not helping the environment, but hurting it.]


New York City Headed for Rolling Hochul Blackouts

New York City Headed for Rolling Hochul Blackouts Roger Caiazza (on the subject of) Independent Researcher and Publisher, Pragmatic Environmentalist of New York   … [Editor’s Note: Roger explains why New York City is headed for rolling Hochul blackouts in an abbreviated version of an article posted in full on his own outstanding blog.] On


OSW Is Outrageous Spending on Wind That Makes Zero Sense

OSW Is Outrageous Spending on Wind That Makes Zero Sense Roger Caiazza (on the subject of) Independent Researcher and Publisher, Pragmatic Environmentalist of New York   … [Editor’s Note: Offshore wind, or OSW as it is commonly termed, is the con game of con games, a ridiculous and ridiculously expensive way to generate unreliable electricity.] A


Offshore Wind Promoters Paving the Road to Energy Hell

Offshore Wind Promoters Paving the Road to Energy Hell Mark Sertoff NaturalGasNOW Retired Science/Technology Educator and Musician   [Editor’s Note: Off-shore wind via politically correct governors, is the world’s biggest boondoggle; it busts our budgets, ruins our shores and paves the way to energy hell.] The stampede to build offshore wind turbines to replace fossil fuel


Offshore Wind: The Boondoggle with All Pain, No Gain!

Offshore Wind: The Boondoggle with All Pain, No Gain! David Wojick, PhD Journalist and Independent Policy Analyst  … … … [Editor’s Note: New Jersey, obsessed with an offshore wind energy fantasy is embarking on hugely expensive experiment that is unlikely to reduce any greenhouse gas emissions.] There is a common assumption that offshore wind electricity


Power Plants or Candles? The Stark Options for Non-Elites!

Power Plants or Candles? The Stark Options for Non-Elites! Mark Sertoff NaturalGasNOW Retired Science/Technology Educator and Musician   [Editor’s Note: Using unsettled science, Joe Biden and Kathy Hochul want to shut down power plants, forcing a shift to green corporatist boondoggles enriching the already rich.] The EPA’s proposed rules for cutting emissions are so onerous that


Offshore Wind: The Great Stampede Over the Long Island Cliff

Offshore Wind: The Great Stampede Over the Long Island Cliff Mark Stevens NaturalGasNOW Retired Science/Technology Educator and Musician   [Editor’s Note: New York is nothing if not politically correct and its offshore wind virtue signaling amounts to a stampede over the cliff for New Yorkers who pay the bills.] The stampede to build offshore wind turbines


NOaa Dolphins or Whales! Feds Favor Big Green Grifters!

NOAA Dolphins or Whales! Feds Favor Big Green Grifters! David Wojick, PhD Journalist and Independent Policy Analyst  … … … [Editor’s Note: NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, is, under Joe Biden prioritizing Big Green grifters and off-shore wind boondoggles over sea mammals.] “Damn the whales, full speed ahead” seems to be the offshore


Reliability is the Fatal Flaw (and Conceit) Behind Net Zero

Reliability is the Fatal Flaw (and Conceit) Behind Net Zero Roger Caiazza (on the subject of) Independent Researcher and Publisher, Pragmatic Environmentalist of New York   … [Editor’s Note: Roger identifies reliability as the fatal flaw with net zero dreams. The flaw comes from the fatal conceit of the dreamers who imagine they can alter


Killing Whales and Never Having to Say You’re Sorry!

Killing Whales and Never Having to Say You’re Sorry! David Wojick, PhD Journalist and Independent Policy Analyst  … … … [Editor’s Note: Green energy scams are resulting in the Federal government directly allowing something — killing whales — that it would never tolerate under any other circumstance.] The recent deaths of seven whales off New


Giant Wind Arrays Invade the Ocean As BOEM Spins the Story

Giant Wind Arrays Invade the Ocean As BOEM Spins the Story David Wojick, PhD Journalist and Independent Policy Analyst  … … … [Editor’s Note: The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) spins like a wind turbine as it pretends not to know giant wind arrays are bad for the ocean and right whales.] The world’s biggest