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Natural Gas Now Best Picks of the Week – September 19, 2020

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. As usual, emphasis is added. Germany Just Can’t seem to Get It Right It seems Vladimir Putin keeps poisoning people but, as Dan Markind points out


Natural Gas Now Best Picks of the Week – June 13, 2020

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. As usual, emphasis is added. Can The United States Senate Stop Germany’s GasPipeline From Russia In A Post-Coronavirus World? Dan Markind compares the self-imposed German energy