Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Another lawsuit, on behalf of Damascus Township, Senators Lisa Baker and Gene Yaw and PA Senate Republicans has been filed against the DRBC! Damascus Township, my hometown, together with Pennsylvania State Senators Lisa Baker and Gene Yaw and the Pennsylvania State Senate Republican Caucus has filed a great
Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. … … The events of this weekend represent a frightening attack on free speech by a Big Tech oligarchy that is increasingly fascist in character. Some of you like President Trump. Some of you don’t. As for me, I believe he has been an outstanding President and has been cheated
Bill desRosiersExternal Affairs Coordinator, Cabot Oil & Gas … … The Shale Gas News, heard every Saturday at 10 AM on 94.3 FM, 1510 AM, 1600 AM, 104.1 FM and Sundays on YesFM, talked about a colder winter, LNG exports, Mountain Valley Pipeline and much more last week. The Shale Gas News has grown again to the
Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. As usual, emphasis is added. Our guest blogger Roger Caiazza looks at New York’s climate plans and concludes they Bald Eagles have been thrown to the
Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Federal Judge Robert Mariani has just issued an opinion that will, after five years, finally result in the DRBC lawsuit going to trial! It’s been five long years, but the DRBC lawsuit is finally going to trial, which is a very positive development for landowners. More importantly, the
Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Pennsylvania DEP Policy Director Jessica Shirley attacked State Rep. Scott Perry and labeled him an “environmental criminal” yesterday. This story tells us everything one needs to know about the Wolf Administration and its radical nature. Behind Patrick McDonnell, the mild-mannered Secretary of the Department of Environmental Protection in
Roger CaiazzaIndependent Researcher and Publisher,Pragmatic Environmentalist of New York … [Editor’s Note: RGGI proceeds for pet Cuomo causes, rather than greenhouse gas reductions, seems to be the primary purpose of the entire program.] The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) is likely to generate over $149 million in fiscal year 2021-2022 for New York State investments to support
Bill desRosiersExternal Affairs Coordinator, Cabot Oil & Gas … … Truckers are key to the energy industry and so much else. They are the critical path for delivering food and supplying the gas industry. As the state and much of the country deal with a new round of restrictions, the trucking industry must keep moving. We need
Jim WillisEditor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN) [Editor’s Note: Phil Murphy, an obviously confused panderbear, is trying to wiggle out of his DRBC vote on Gibbstown with a patently silly excuse.] The five voting members of the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) met in early December and voted 4-0 (one abstention) to approve a 1,300-foot-long pier
... … …[Editor’s Note: Natural gas bans have been enacted by several California communities but are now colliding with the realities of energy affordability.] Some 40 communities in California have implemented bans or restrictions on the use of natural gas, which have ignited a backlash from some of California’s prominent Black and Latino leaders, who indicate that
Roger CaiazzaIndependent Researcher and Publisher,Pragmatic Environmentalist of New York … [Editor’s Note: New York’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act will achieve nothing of measurable significance regarding global warming.] On July 18, 2019 New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA), which establishes targets for decreasing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing renewable
Bill desRosiersExternal Affairs Coordinator, Cabot Oil & Gas … … The Shale Gas News, heard every Saturday at 10 AM on 94.3 FM, 1510 AM, 1600 AM, 104.1 FM and Sundays on YesFM, talked about Biden’s EPA picks, emission cuts, Antero Resources and much more last week. The Shale Gas News has grown again to the Williamsport
Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. As usual, emphasis is added. Lisa Finley-DeVille started drinking bottled water around the same time her friend’s horses began to get sick and die. A half
Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Reason has exacted its price in Aspen, Colorado, with a recent Earth First attack on the city’s gas lines, depriving trendy folks of heat. One of my all-time favorite books is “Pascal’s Pensées” and this, for me, is the best part; an honest explanation of why reason so
Plans are moving forward for a New Jersey project that would transport natural gas by rail on one of the longest routes in the country, stretching 200 miles through densely populated areas along the East Coast, according to OPB. Gas from Pennsylvania’s Marcellus Shale will first be sent by pipeline to a new liquefaction plant