Mining Jobs

China Compromised Biden Sells Out U.S. Yet Again!

China Compromised Biden Sells Out U.S. Yet Again! … … [Editor’s Note: Is there nothing Joe Biden will not to do to please his masters in China? His pay-to-play schemes and subservience to China are, sadly, haunting us all now.] The Biden administration killed another domestic mining project in the largest copper and nickel find


Coal Thrives Due to Childish European Green Energy Fantasies

Coal Thrives Due to Childish European Green Energy Fantasies  ...… … [Editor’s Note: Europe pursued anti-fracking green energy fantasies that made it vulnerable to Russia and without its own natural gas at low prices also made coal king again.] Coal generation worldwide is expected to increase to a new record in 2022, driven by robust


Biden Plans to Buy Foreign Minerals to Force Green Energy on All of Us

germany … …[Editor’s Note: Biden wants us to depend on foreign sources (e.g., China) for rare earth minerals necessary to his green eggs and scam scheme.] President Biden continues to change his story to Americans—this time to miners. Rather than mining critical metals domestically, Biden intends to import them. He is caving to environmentalists who oppose mining,