
Yudichak, Kaufer and Labor Celebrate Pennsylvania’s Giant Step Forward!

Bill desRosiersExternal Affairs Coordinator, Cabot Oil & Gas … … Rep. Aaron Kaufer, State Senator John Yudichak pushed, pushed and pushed some more to get a bill passed and signed to spur the Keystone State economy. State Sen. John Yudichak and Rep. Aaron Kaufer celebrated the passing last week of House Bill 732 (HB 732), which will allow for the construction


West Side Career and Technology Center Receives $15,000 EITC Grant!

Rick HidukManaging Editor of EndlessMtnLifestyles.com … …  West Side Career and Technology Center (WSCTC) was a recent recipient of a $15,000 grant from Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation to support their programs. A growing number of high school students are looking into the programs offered by their local technical schools and career centers to meet


Students at Think About Energy Event Cued for Next Generation of Jobs

Rick HidukManaging Editor of EndlessMtnLifestyles.com … …  Northeastern Pennsylvania students who attended the recent Think About Energy in Hazleton received an eye-opening description of gas industry opportunities. More than 120 guests were packed into the banquet room at the Valley Country Club in Sugarloaf, Luzerne County, on Oct. 2 for the Think About Energy Briefing