LNG Export Terminal Coming to Philadelphia? Yes, We Can!

LNG Export Terminal Coming to Philadelphia? Yes, We Can! Garland L. Thompson, Esq. Journalist and Author, Philadelphia PennEast [Editor’s Note: Garland Thompson offers a wonderful summary of a recent Senate Committee hearing on “LNG in Energy Security on the World Stage.” This is the prelude but read all about the LNG export opportunity here for


Natural Gas Now Best Picks – November 19, 2022

Natural Gas Now Best Picks – November 19, 2022 Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. This week; PhilaPort makes progress, the FTX/ESG frauds, NJ winds of winter and green beneficiaries. Look for


COP-27 An Insane Asylum or Corporatist Confab?

COP-27 An Insane Asylum or Corporatist Confab? Paul Driessen Senior Policy Analyst, CFACT …. ….  [Editor’s Note: COP-27 is a global gathering of elitists, of course. Paul Driessen notes it resembles an insane asylum, but it’s also a corporatist confab on self-enrichment.] Do I hear $100 billion? Would you give $1 trillion? Now, then, would


Reparations Nonsense Ensues as Western Suicide Proceeds, But…

Reparations Nonsense Ensues as Western Suicide Proceeds, But… David Wojick, PhD Journalist and Independent Policy Analyst  … … … [Editor’s Note: Climate reparations is nonsense—nothing more than another grifting opportunity for everyone involved—but will it be the reach too far by the corporatist NGOs?] The extreme rhetoric of “loss and damage reparations” could backfire, causing


Natural Gas Now Best Picks – November 12, 2022

Natural Gas Now Best Picks – November 12, 2022 Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. This week; Google’s aspirations, Manchin’s demise and the COP27 raid on all of us. Look for


Newsom Energy Policies Moving Californians Anywhere Else!

Newsom Energy Policies Moving Californians Anywhere Else! Ronald Stein Ambassador for Energy & Infrastructure, Irvine, California .. .… … [Editor’s Note: Gavin Newsom and his politically correct energy policies are exploding prices and leading to an exodus from the Golden State to anywhere else but California.] Despite Newsom’s statewide policy decisions that are driving up costs


COP27 Climate Gabfest A Scam…Says Greta Thunberg!

COP27 Climate Gabfest A Scam…Says Greta Thunberg! Vijay Jayaraj Research Associate: CO2 Coalition.. .… … … [Editor’s Note: No less an authority than Greta Thunberg, who recently admitted climate is all about socialism for her, has pronounced that COP27 is just a giant scam.] Last week, Greta Thunberg called the COP27 climate meeting a “scam”


CO2 Coalition Showing Us Carbon Dioxide Is Essential to Life

CO2 Coalition Showing Us Carbon Dioxide Is Essential to Life Gordon Tomb Senior Fellow, Commonwealth Foundation Senior Advisor, CO2 Coalition   .. …. [Editor’s Note: The CO2 Coalition is fighting against a tide of misinformation about the role of carbon dioxide in our world. It is nothing less than absolutely essential.] Nearly all life requires


Natural Gas Now Best Picks – November 5, 2022

Natural Gas Now Best Picks – November 5, 2022 Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. This week; the ESG scam, Biden’s high energy prices, more grid grief and an angry old


Natural Gas – 100 Years Ago Today, November 4, 1922!

Natural Gas – 100 Years Ago Today, November 4, 1922! Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. …. ….  Natural gas news from a hundred years ago offers great perspective for discussing one of the cleanest sources of energy available then and still today. I thought it might be fun and illuminating to look back 100


CO2 Emissions Are Killing the Planet and Other Big Lies

CO2 Emissions Are Killing the Planet and Other Big Lies Vijay Jayaraj Research Associate: CO2 Coalition.. .… … … [Editor’s Note: Few lies are bigger than the claim that CO2 emissions are killing Planet Earth. It is precisely the opposite and only those who profit off the lie believe it.] Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are


UK Coup Tells Us Totalitarianism Is Coming Unless We Resist

UK Coup Tells Us Totalitarianism Is Coming Unless We Resist Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. …. ….  A UK Coup wouldn’t ordinarily matter much to Americans, but the one that just took place indicates the West, including America, is now on the road to serfdom. Something terrible just happened Great Britain; it was a


Natural Gas Now Best Picks – October 29, 2022

Natural Gas Now Best Picks – October 29, 2022 Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. This week; California EV fairy tales, German coal mining and Democrats who want to nationalize oil


Control, Control and More Control Is the Goal; Climate the Means

Control, Control and More Control Is Goal; Climate the Means Paul Driessen Senior Policy Analyst, CFACT …. ….  [Editor’s Note: Climate rants have nothing to do with climate change or saving the planet. They are all about control of our energy and economic future and what we can hear, see, read, learn, think and say.]


Philadelphia Port Opportunity Comes Knocking at the Door!

Philadelphia Port Opportunity Comes Knocking at the Door Garland L. Thompson, Esq. Journalist and Author, Philadelphia PennEast [Editor’s Note: Garland Thompson is offering the following at a Senate Committee hearing today on “LNG in Energy Security on the World Stage” and Rep. Martina White’s HB 2458.] Today’s Hearing on “LNG in Energy Security on the