UK Coup Tells Us Totalitarianism Is Coming Unless We Resist

UK Coup Tells Us Totalitarianism Is Coming Unless We Resist

natural gas nowTom Shepstone
Shepstone Management Company, Inc.


A UK Coup wouldn’t ordinarily matter much to Americans, but the one that just took place indicates the West, including America, is now on the road to serfdom.

Something terrible just happened Great Britain; it was a UK Coup by any definition and speaks volumes as to what is coming to America—well on its way, in fact—and it’s nothing less than totalitarianism. It is, indeed, the same sort of totalitarianism established by Lenin and implemented by Stalin. It has a slightly different face to be sure, one much more like that of Mussolini, but the UK Coup, nonetheless, shows us it is totalitarianism albeit a variant more akin to fascism or, as I prefer to call it, corporatism.

UK Coup

Rishi Sunak and Boris Johnson

The UK Coup came about less two months after Liz Truss was elected Prime Minister, via a fairly democratic process within the Tory party after its leader, Boris Johnson, resigned due to scandal. Truss beat out a fellow named Rishi Sunak, a 42-year old hedge-fund billionaire with a Goldman Sachs background who led much of the horrid UK response to COVID, which was, of course, worse than the disease. It was an economic, social and even health disaster.

Yet, less than two months after Truss was elected, she was thrown out in a UK coup that put Sunak back on top of the heap. The coup was, it seems anyway, engineered by big banks and other corporatists who wanted one of their own in charge; someone who protect their interests above all. Significantly, Truss had quickly turned off the UK’s fracking ban and Sunak even more quickly reversed her decision the minute he cam into office. And, we know the reason, don’t we? Because there are trillions to be made by Sunak’s friends via ESG grifting, pandemic responses and the like. Trillions from totalitarianism that is being reflected in every aspect of our lives.

The UK coup was effected because all that was at risk and Neil Oliver captures the anger all of should feel:

This corporatism—the meager of business and the state—has now pervaded everything and has evolved ever further toward totalitarianism.

We see it in the massive efforts to shut down all free speech. We even experience here at this site as certain posts are obviously smothered by algorithms designed to shove aside particular opinions.

We see it in the attacks on agriculture and the relentless ESG war on anything connected with fossil fuels, both of which are clearly intended to increase our dependence on the unholy alliance of business and government, enrich the former with ever more money and enrich the latter with ever power. The UK coup has also installed a leader who wants a digital currency, which will lead to total control of the population and the complete ability to manipulate all to achieve more power and and wealth for the few. Next is are passports based on our social credit scores, ala China and the COVID passports.

Yes, the UK coup matters for Americans. It indicates totalitarianism is coming ever faster here. Our freedom of movement is now being threatened by a mandated system of EV transportation that cannot work and, arguably, is designed not to work. We are being starved of diesel fuel by a White House occupant’s controllers who stuck a Keystone Pipeline cancellation under his nose to sign the first day and have, since then, have frustrated oil and gas development in every way imaginable. We are facing a worldwide food crisis as a result of this and the work of Klaus Schwab’s acolytes in government who are forcing unreal restrictions on farming.

None of this is due to ignorance or even ideology per se. It is simply greed at work and it’s intentional. This is the same greed that has turned our Federal Reserve into a cash machine for big banks. Big tech and other media have joined in the program and our FBI and Justice Department have become the enforcers with the megalomaniacs at the World Economic Forum calling the shots from behind the curtain. The UK coup reveals what’s next for us. How far away is it? Not far, unless we massively resist next week.

P.S. For the very latest in the advance of totalitarianism here in America read this.

The post UK Coup Tells Us Totalitarianism Is Coming Unless We Resist appeared first on Natural Gas Now. This post appeared first on Natural Gas Now.