Ford A New Casualty of State Planning and Corporate Wokeness

Ford A New Casualty of State Planning and Corporate Wokeness … … [Editor’s Note: Ford Motor Co. gained when it didn’t take Obama’s bailout but, then, new leadership decided to buy into state planning and wokeness with EVs. It judged poorly.] Ford Motor Company announced that it lost $2.1 billion on its EV business in


European Union Opts for Civilizational Suicide

European Union Opts for Civilizational Suicide … … The unaffected elites of the European Union, already sworn to replace its population with Mideast immigrants, have now decided to force economic suicide, too. The countries in the European Union approved major changes to the region’s carbon trading scheme and emissions laws, making industrial carbon emissions more


Natural Gas Ban by Berkeley Bolsheviks Bites the Dust

Natural Gas Ban by Berkeley Bolsheviks Bites the Dust … … Berkeley’s latest generation of Bolsheviks enacted a natural gas ban that has been wisely overturned in Federal court. Biden and blue staters must take notice. In 2019, the City of Berkeley banned natural gas infrastructure in most new building projects—a ban that would effectively


Mountain Valley Pipeline Shows Federal Courts Out of Control

Mountain Valley Pipeline Shows Federal Courts Out of Control … … There is no justice to be had from our Federal court system today, as the 4th Circuit’s treatment of the Mountain Valley Pipeline perfectly and sadly shows. The Fourth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals vacated the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) water


Gas Stove Ban to be Slapped on All New Yorkers by Elites

Gas Stove Ban to be Slapped on All New Yorkers by Elites … … New York has lost its bearings. In a fit of pointless global warming virtue signaling, its elites are doing a gas stove ban hurting its ordinary citizens. New York will become the first state to pass a law banning natural-gas and other fossil-fuel


Biden Net Zero Goals Rely Mostly on Earlier Fuel Switching!

Biden Net Zero Goals Rely Mostly on Earlier Fuel Switching! … … Joe Biden, controlled and manipulated as he is by China and the corporatist world, is pursuing a net zero dream that is really a nightmare of impossibilities. Politicians who passed the Inflation Reduction Act touted that the bill would reduce carbon dioxide emissions


Clements Capers Illustrate Biden’s Corruption of Everything

Clements Capers Illustrate Biden’s Corruption of Everything Kevin Mooney Senior Investigative Reporter The Commonwealth Foundation and the Heritage Foundation … …. [Editor’s Note: This is Part II of Kevin Mooney’s deep investigation into the massive FERC corruption happening in the Biden Administration. This time it’s the Clements Capers.] Congressional figures responsible for conducting oversight are


Pipeline Capacity Crunch Due To Biden War on Fuel Choice

Pipeline Capacity Crunch Due To Biden War on Fuel Choice … … Joe Biden’s puppetmasters want oil and gas gone, gone, gone and are doing all they can to destroy the industry, which is creating a pipeline capacity crunch. The Energy Information Administration (EIA) reported that interstate natural gas pipeline capacity additions reached a record


India, Like China, Ignores Climate Goals and No One Cares?

India, Like China, Ignores Climate Goals and No One Cares?  ...… … [Editor’s Note: India and China perfectly illustrate the reality of the climate scam—that it’s about corporatism and power—not the climate or enviros would call foul on both.] Recently, India asked its utilities not to retire their coal plants until 2030 and the country


FERC Is Now Rotten. Is There Nothing Biden Hasn’t Polluted?

FERC Is Now Rotten. Is There Nothing Biden Hasn’t Polluted? Kevin Mooney Senior Investigative Reporter The Commonwealth Foundation and the Heritage Foundation … …. [Editor’s Note: The Biden Administration has destroyed everything it has touched, spreading the rot of corruption everywhere imaginable, including supposedly independent FERC.] Before a federal energy commissioner promiscuously entered into dealings


Twin Metals Project Killed by Foreign Agent in White House?

Twin Metals Project Killed by Foreign Agent in White House  ...… … [Editor’s Note: Joe Biden has been a corrupt liar as long as he has been in politics but his decision to kill the Twin Metals Project suggests he is also a foreign agent.] The Biden administration blocked plans for a major copper, nickel


Wind and Solar Projects Face Uphill Battles Despite Subsidy

 ... … … Wind and solar projects are facing many uphill battles despite a ton of subsidies and incentives provided to corporatist sponsors of these uneconomical projects. New wind installations dropped 77.5 percent in the third quarter of 2022 versus the same period the year before. New utility-scale solar installations fell about 40 percent in


Electric Vehicles and Other Lies Joe Biden Is Selling

Electric Vehicles and Other Lies Joe Biden Is Selling  ...… … [Editor’s Note: Illicit tax credits for electric vehicles are just the latest examples of the corporatism at the core of the climate scam and Joe Biden’s lies about everything.] To Senator Manchin’s dismay, Biden’s Treasury Department is allowing the tax credit for electric vehicles


Coal Thrives Due to Childish European Green Energy Fantasies

Coal Thrives Due to Childish European Green Energy Fantasies  ...… … [Editor’s Note: Europe pursued anti-fracking green energy fantasies that made it vulnerable to Russia and without its own natural gas at low prices also made coal king again.] Coal generation worldwide is expected to increase to a new record in 2022, driven by robust


California and Its Non-Starter Net Zero Nonsense

California and Its Non-Starter Net Zero Nonsense  ...… … [Editor’s Note: California wants to be a climate-centric politically correct role model but, in fact, is a poster child for net-zero nonsense that is a non-starter for citizens.] Californian regulators approved a plan to reduce the state’s carbon-dioxide emissions by 85 percent from 1990 levels by