Biden Shamelessly Attacks Oil and Gas on Over 150 Fronts!

Biden Shamelessly Attacks Oil and Gas on Over 150 Fronts! … … [Editor’s Note: Joe Biden has relentlessly attacked the American consumer by relentlessly attacking oil and gas. Scan this IER list for the more than 150 ways in just 970 days.] Joe Biden and Democrats have a plan for American energy: make it harder


Save Our Cars Coalition Will Fight for Freedom to Travel

Save Our Cars Coalition Will Fight for Freedom to Travel … … [Editor’s Note: The faceless foes controlling Joe Biden are attacking our freedom to travel. A Save Our Cars Coalition is fighting back with the facts to preserve our choices.] The Institute for Energy Research and 31 other national and state-based organizations have launched


Jay Inslee Chooses Climate Cult Over Fellow Washingtonians

Jay Inslee Chooses Climate Cult Over Fellow Washingtonians … … [Editor’s Note: Governor Jay Inslee is raising energy prices in Washington State to the moon, because he cares more about pleasing the climate cult than citizens of his state.] Jay Inslee, the governor of Washington, is making life more expensive for Washingtonians as a matter


Maui Fires Show the Very Real Danger of Climate Corporatism

Maui Fires Show the Very Real Danger of Climate Corporatism Robert Bradley Founder and CEO of the Institute for Energy Research Principal, MasterResource: A Free-Market Energy Blog…. .… … [Editor’s Note: The Maui fires offer a teachable moment about the extreme danger of extreme climate policies intended to force use of fiat fuels to feed


Europe Awakens to Net Zero Nonsense As Biden Sleeps Away

Europe Awakens to Net Zero Nonsense As Biden Sleeps Away … … [Editor’s Note: Europe is coming off its drunken night of net zero partying and waking up with a massive hangover, but Joe Biden is still sleeping as his minions keep partying.] Europe’s plan to slash carbon emissions and reach net zero carbon by


Water Heater Attack by Biden, Who Sees Them All As “Corn Pop”

EVs Being Forced on Americans by Biden and the Crash Awaits … … [Editor’s Note: Joe Biden has launched a water heater attack, apparently imagining the household appliance is a stand-in for bad dude “Corn Pop” who, in his famous anecdote, he says he scared off with a chain.] The Biden administration is proposing to


EVs Being Forced on Americans by Biden and the Crash Awaits

EVs Being Forced on Americans by Biden and the Crash Awaits … … [Editor’s Note: Biden’s all-out attempt to shove EVs onto Americans is going to end in a big crash and the warning signs of the approaching boondoggle fiasco are everywhere.] Electric vehicles (EVs) have been heralded as the eco-friendly saviors of our transportation


EV Mirage Is Proving to Be Very Ephemeral Indeed

EV Mirage Is Proving to Be Very Ephemeral Indeed Robert Bradley Founder and CEO of the Institute for Energy Research Principal, MasterResource: A Free-Market Energy Blog…. .… … [Editor’s Note: The EV mirage is suddenly being noticed by media that have advanced this ridiculous solution to the non-problem of global warming.] The climate lobby must


Lithium Battery Menace: The EV Peril No Wants to Talk About!

Lithium Battery Menace: The EV Peril No Wants to Talk About! … … [Editor’s Note: Lithium battery issues are very real and cast a pall over EVs that car buyers seem to understand but EV promoters are loathe to admit are a disincentive.] So far this year, there have been 108 lithium-ion battery fires in


Air Conditioning: The Modern Marvel Wrought by Fossil Fuels

Air Conditioning: The Modern Marvel Wrought by Fossil Fuels Robert Bradley Founder and CEO of the Institute for Energy Research Principal, MasterResource: A Free-Market Energy Blog…. .… … [Editor’s Note: Air conditioning, a marvel made possible by fossil fuels, has made modern life enjoyable for the common man, yielding both comfort and greater productivity.] It’s


Renewable Corporate Welfare for Renewables Keeps On A-Coming

Renewable Corporate Welfare for Renewables Keeps On A-Coming … … [Editor’s Note: Joe Biden, the “Big Guy”of the Biden Crime Family, wants ever more corporate welfare for renewable energy schemes that continue to grow after 30 years of grift.] The Biden Administration has proposed a new regulation that will cut project fees for wind and


China Compromised Biden Sells Out U.S. Yet Again!

China Compromised Biden Sells Out U.S. Yet Again! … … [Editor’s Note: Is there nothing Joe Biden will not to do to please his masters in China? His pay-to-play schemes and subservience to China are, sadly, haunting us all now.] The Biden administration killed another domestic mining project in the largest copper and nickel find


Europe Getting Cold Feet on Global Warming As Biden Jumps In

Europe Getting Cold Feet on Global Warming As Biden Jumps In … … [Editor’s Note: Yes, Europe is getting cold feet with respect to its rush to net zero on behalf of the world’s corporatists and other elites. It seems the people don’t like it!] Beginning decades ago, Europe went wholeheartedly into “net zero carbon


Tire Pollution from EVs: Rubber Hits the Road in Real Time

Tire Pollution from EVs: Rubber Hits the Road in Real Time … … [Editor’s Note: Tire pollution! Who knew? The law of unintended consequences always applies to all those “expert” plans, program and schemes that special interests foist on us.] Regulators are finding it is time to work on tire pollution as electric vehicles are


FERC Stone Wall of Anti-Transparency Rhetoric Hiding Stuff?

Clements Capers Illustrate Biden’s Corruption of Everything Kevin Mooney Senior Investigative Reporter The Commonwealth Foundation and the Heritage Foundation … …. [Editor’s Note: Kevin Mooney continues investigating FERC corruption happening under Biden. The Clements Capers are being hidden behind a stone wall of anti-transparency talk.] After making repeated attempts to determine how much influence environmental