Prohibition Raises Ugly Head Yet Again with Gas Stove Bans!

Prohibition Raises Ugly Head Yet Again with Gas Stove Bans! Jim Willis on NGL Pipelines Editor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN)   [Editor’s Note: Prohibition and the tyranny of extremist minorities who demand others submit to rules we just experienced and they won’t follow is back with gas stove bans.] Do you remember studying Prohibition in


Josh Shapiro: Will He Sell Out Labor to Please Enviros?

Josh Shapiro: Will He Sell Out Labor to Please Enviros? Gordon Tomb Senior Fellow, Commonwealth Foundation Senior Advisor, CO2 Coalition   .. …. [Editor’s Note: Josh Shapiro will now face a huge test. Will he, like some many other Dems, sell out his labor allies to please enviros or balance energy and environment?] With Democrat


Natural Gas Now Best Picks – January 21, 2023

Natural Gas Now Best Picks – January 21, 2023 Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. This week; the KXL mistake, grid overload, udder madness and bourgeoisie boredom. Look for these stories below,


Elitism Is Its Own Cure as Climate and Other Scams Show Us

Corporatism Is the Disease and Truth and Speech Are the Cures Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. …. ….  Elitism, a refined form of pride, is behind so much that is wrong. Yet, within it are the antidotes to itself, as we are now seeing with climate and other scams. Throughout this week, as I


Rhinos Gallop, Bison Charge; Despite Phony Climate Scares

Rhinos Gallop, Bison Charge; Despite Phony Climate Scares Vijay Jayaraj Research Associate: CO2 Coalition.. .… … … [Editor’s Note: No, climate change is not wiping out rhinos, bison or any other species. The bison and the rhino are doing just fine thanks to good old-fashioned conservation.] Two beasts, which are thousands of miles apart, are


Electricity Elephant in the Room: Where’s the Beef?

Electricity Elephant in the Room: Where Is It? Ronald Stein Ambassador for Energy & Infrastructure, Irvine, California .. .… … [Editor’s Note: Where’s the electricity? That’s the big question for those promoting electric vehicles and subsidies for them ad infinitum without regard to the simple facts.] One of the best-known quotes was “where’s the beef?“


Wyoming Does Alinsky! Phase Out All EVs by 2035!

Great American Outdoors Depends on Oil and Gas? Who Knew? Jason Spiess IHost of The Crude Life, “Everyday Energy For Everyday People,” ESG University, Multi-Media Journalist   … [Editor’s Note: Wyoming is employing Saul Alinsky tactics that ought to be emulated by every red state; legislation to phase out sales of electric vehicles in the


Natural Gas Now Best Picks – January 14, 2023

Natural Gas Now Best Picks – January 14, 2023 Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. This week; whales vs. wind, green energy vs. brown coal and natural gas stove bans vs. monitors.


Corporatism Is the Disease and Truth and Speech Are the Cures

Corporatism Is the Disease and Truth and Speech Are the Cures Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. …. ….  Corporatism, the merger of business and government, is rampant today and impacts every aspect of our daily lives. It will only be beaten with truth and speech. Author Joel Klotkin truly gets it. Writing in his


Electric Vehicles and Other Lies Joe Biden Is Selling

Electric Vehicles and Other Lies Joe Biden Is Selling  ...… … [Editor’s Note: Illicit tax credits for electric vehicles are just the latest examples of the corporatism at the core of the climate scam and Joe Biden’s lies about everything.] To Senator Manchin’s dismay, Biden’s Treasury Department is allowing the tax credit for electric vehicles


Buffalo Storm Shows Risk of Being Buffaloed on Green Energy!

Buffalo Storm Shows Risk of Being Buffaloed on Green Energy! Victor Furman Upstate New York Landowner, Shale Gas Activist …. ….   [Editor’s Note: Upstate NY is in great danger of being Buffaloed; put at the same risk of danger that Buffalo endured with the recent winter storm. Green energy is white death.] If not


Galicia Goofs Up As Foz Fights Becoming A Windy City

Galicia Goofs Up As Foz Fights Becoming A Windy City David Blackmon Publisher and Editor, Energy Transition Absurdities … … [Editor’s Note: Galicia mandates a power plant that has to be five times the normal size required for reliability because it will also be required to use only wind for energy. There are so many


Giant Wind Arrays Invade the Ocean As BOEM Spins the Story

Giant Wind Arrays Invade the Ocean As BOEM Spins the Story David Wojick, PhD Journalist and Independent Policy Analyst  … … … [Editor’s Note: The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) spins like a wind turbine as it pretends not to know giant wind arrays are bad for the ocean and right whales.] The world’s biggest


Natural Gas Now Best Picks – January 7, 2023

Natural Gas Now Best Picks – January 7, 2023 Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. This week; short people, the “Precipice,” the LNG top of the heap and stuffing the cod. Look


The Pied Piper of Planet Ithaca Has No Clothes

The Pied Piper of Planet Ithaca Has No Clothes Roger Caiazza (on the subject of) Independent Researcher and Publisher, Pragmatic Environmentalist of New York   … [Editor’s Note: Bob Howarth, Cornell Professor of Ecology & Environmental Biology, acts as pied piper of Planet Ithaca when it comes to energy matters. How is that possible?] At