energy policy

Heating Oil Reserves Also Now Threatened by Biden

Heating Oil Reserves Now Threatened by Biden  ... … … [Editor’s Note: Biden is a hopelessly inept man whose ability to muck them things up can, as Obama noted, never be underestimated. Now, he’s messing with heating oil reserves.] The Biden administration is again considering tapping additional emergency energy reserves; this time of heating fuel


California Energy Commission Hearing Offers No Aid to Newsom Before State Legislature Investigates Alleged Price Gouging 

California lawmakers kicked off a special legislative session today at the behest of Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) to evaluate “a price-gouging penalty on oil companies that choose to rake in excessive profits at the expense of Californians,” despite allegations of price gouging being thoroughly debunked during a California Energy Commission (CEC) just last week.  The


Diesel Prices the Result of Anti-American Energy Policies!

Diesel Prices the Result of Anti-American Energy Policies!  ... … … [Editor’s Note: Diesel prices have risen to unaffordable levels for many and are a huge factor in inflation and supply chain issues, all caused by anti-American energy policies!] President Biden is complaining about diesel prices and production and his Administration is looking at banning


Biden, Having Raised Gas Prices, Wants Us to Do Reparations!

Biden, Having Raised Gas Prices, Wants Us to Do Reparations  ... … … [Editor’s Note: Joe Biden, our White House occupant, has committed us to pay out climate reparations after having squandered our energy dominance and while China gets exempted!] The United States endorsed compensating developing countries for global warming costs, reversing its long opposition.


Natural Gas Now Best Picks – October 15, 2022

Natural Gas Now Best Picks – October 15, 2022 Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. This week; Chevron leads, Jamie explodes with truth and UK reverses on fracking. Look for these stories


Newsom Imposes Huge New Energy Costs on Californians

Newsom Imposes Huge New Energy Costs on Californians  ... … … [Editor’s Note: Gavin Newsom has been competing to be America’s worst governor ever since Andrew Cuomo fell from grace and he’s succeeding by raising California energy prices!] Gasoline prices in California are over $2.50 more than the national average of $3.79 a gallon. The


Solar Power Is No Solution at All, But China Benefits, So…

Solar Power Is No Solution at All, But China Benefits, So…  ... … … [Editor’s Note: Solar power is a joke when it comes to reliability, cost and environmental impact but China is the big winner so, therefore, China indebted Joe Biden loves it.] Solar power is to be the savior of President Biden’s climate


Electric Prices Skyrocket with Gruesome Green Energy Policy

Electric Prices Skyrocket with Gruesome Green Energy Policy  ... … … [Editor’s Note: Europe has descended into an energy crisis attributable to green energy foolishness that left it vulnerable to Russian blackmail sending electric prices soaring and Biden is following like a lamb to the slaughter.] Power prices are expected to increase as the price


Coal, Ironically, Is the Winner in the Green New Deal Game

Coal, Ironically, Is the Winner in the Green New Deal Game  ... … … [Editor’s Note: Coal is the winner in the Green New Deal sweepstakes because politicians have bought into the global warming grifting scam, which has destroyed energy security.] Politicians and environmentalists claim an urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but in


Manchin Taken for A Ride by Chuckie Schumer?

Manchin Taken for A Ride by Chuckie Schumer?  ... … … [Editor’s Note: Is Joe Manchin a “third way” guy, a sellout or just another damned politician taken for a ride by unprincipled sleazy fellow Democrat Chuckie Schumer?] Senator Joe Manchin is seeking a bill on permitting reform this fiscal year that could help accelerate


Europe Energy Policy A Bug, Not A Feature; So, Don’t Imitate!

Europe Energy Policy A Bug, Not A Feature; So, Don’t Imitate  ... … … [Editor’s Note: Europe is facing a massive energy crisis precipitated by absolutely insane, but perfectly politically correct, energy policies that should never be emulated.] But that is exactly what President Biden is doing. Europe’s move toward decarbonization 30 years ago has


Renewable Energy Is the Corporatist Rat Hole Where Your Taxes Go!

Renewable Energy: A Corporatist Rat Hole Where Your Taxes Go  ... … … [Editor’s Note: Renewable energy corporatists are grabbing billions of our dollars under the Biden-Manchin-Schumer inflation act, which also raises natural gas prices.] The Federal government has already spent well over $100 billion on renewable credits for electricity production since their enactment three


Heat Waves Show Electric Grids Cannot Rely on Solar and Wind

Heat Waves Show Electric Grids Cannot Rely on Solar and Wind  ... … … [Editor’s Note: Heat waves in Texas and Europe are exposing the foolhardiness of electric grid reliance on subsidized solar and wind, as it wrecks havoc with energy economics.] It doesn’t matter if it is California, Texas or Europe. Electric grid operators


As Gasoline Prices Reach Record Highs, Biden Administration Continues to Send Mixed Messages On U.S. Energy Policy

If you’re scratching your chin over U.S. energy policy these days, you aren’t alone. The Biden administration has been sending mixed signals for months over how it will shape the future of domestic energy production and consumption. And nowhere has that been more obvious or confusing than in the administration’s rhetoric and actions on oil


Energy Crisis Problem Solvers in Government Are the Real Problem!

WeSo, global G ... … …[Editor’s Note: We never seem to learn; every time government creates an energy crisis we look to government to solve it, letting our rulers fail upward.] Prior to World War 1, government intervention in energy markets was limited, outside anti-trust law. Capital markets were self-regulated, private contracts were the norm,