electricity prices

Renewable Energy Is the Corporatist Rat Hole Where Your Taxes Go!

Renewable Energy: A Corporatist Rat Hole Where Your Taxes Go  ... … … [Editor’s Note: Renewable energy corporatists are grabbing billions of our dollars under the Biden-Manchin-Schumer inflation act, which also raises natural gas prices.] The Federal government has already spent well over $100 billion on renewable credits for electricity production since their enactment three


CLCPA Is Slow Motion Train Wreck for New York Energy Future

CLCPA Roger Caiazza (on the subject of)Independent Researcher and Publisher,Pragmatic Environmentalist of New York   … [Editor’s Note: “Vested interests have had their say, and public relations have taken precedence over engineering and economics” but CLCPA “winging it” cannot and will not work.] At the September 13, 2021 meeting of New York’s Climate Leadership and Community


Political Correctness Ain’t Cheap, as Europe Is Learning

political correctness Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. …. ….  Political correctness is a breeze at the outset but extremely costly in the end, as Europe is learning the hard way. Green energy has become a fool’s errand. Political correctness is conformance to the desires, mores and whims of those who imagine they get to set


So, You’re Saying No Electricity for My Electric Vehicle?

electricity electric vehicles … …[Editor’s Note: There may not be enough electricity for my electric vehicle? Who knew? Well, everyone with an ounce of common sense saw this coming and that’s the point.] Gone are the days when you can use electricity as you want and when you want, at least if you live in


Biden Plan for Offshore Wind Is Wildly Expensive and Wholly Stupid

germany … …[Editor’s Note: Joe Biden, a puppet being manipulated by the worst sort of special interests, is pushing an offshore wind fiasco that will accomplish nothing.] Joe Biden has a plan to reach net zero carbon dioxide emissions in the generating sector. It includes the installation of 30,000 megawatts of new offshore wind capacity


Renewable Energy Is No Friend of Trade Union Jobs

So, global G ... … …[Editor’s Note: Renewable energy fantasies are destroying good-paying union jobs without accomplishing much of anything for the environment.] President Biden has declared climate change the nation’s greatest challenge and is supporting policies that could cost thousands of good-paying union jobs that will not be easily replaced with renewable energy. To


Texas Is Where the Biden Administration Wants Us All to Be: In the Dark

So, global G ... … …[Editor’s Note: Texas has powered down in the worst way possible, by increasing dependency on unreliable wind energy as Biden pushes more of the same.] Texas is being hit with record temperatures and escalating energy prices as cold weather has caused over 4 million customers to be without power and


Paris Climate Agreement Being Rejoined to Detriment of United States

So, global G ... … …[Editor’s Note: The Paris Climate Agreement is a virtue signaling exercise wrapped in anti-Americanism and global corporatism, so we rejoined, of course.] Former President Trump withdrew the United States officially from the Paris Climate Agreement on November 4, 2020, having claimed in 2017 it would cost the country $3 trillion in


Natural Gas Now Best Picks of the Week – January 16, 2021

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. As usual, emphasis is added. Defeated State Treasurer Talks Super-Pollutants? The office of Pennsylvania State Treasurer is typically just another row office in the Commonwealth. Not


Battery Costs in the Billions About to Be Tacked Onto NY Electric Bills

 ... … …[Editor’s Note: New Yorkers are about to see already high electricity bills go even higher thanks to Governor Cuomo’s battery storage plans.] New York will purchase a 100-megawatt battery system to back up its offshore wind fleet, which is expected to total 9 gigawatts of capacity by 2035. The battery will be supplied by South Korean


Natural Gas Bans Meeting Resistance from Reality

 ... … …[Editor’s Note: Natural gas bans have been enacted by several California communities but are now colliding with the realities of energy affordability.] Some 40 communities in California have implemented bans or restrictions on the use of natural gas, which have ignited a backlash from some of California’s prominent Black and Latino leaders, who indicate that


Natural Gas Now Best Picks of the Week – December 19, 2020

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. As usual, emphasis is added. California Wealthy Elites Imposing High Electricity Prices on the Poor Great insights from Energy In Depth on California’s energy problems; they


Tom Wolf Wants Pennsylvania in RGGI and Higher Electric Bills

 ... … … [Editor’s Note: Tom Wolf arrogantly demands Pennsylvania join RGGI to pay 50% higher electric bills like the rest of the Northeast states in the suicide pact.] Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf vetoed the state legislature’s bill that would prohibit new taxes without legislative approval and ordered his staff to continue with the implementation


Biden’s Plans Regarding Energy Are Simply Not Doable

 ... … … Editor’s Note: Biden’s plans to recreate the entire U.S. energy system beginning with electricity over the next 14 years will result in enormous costs. Joe Biden’s climate and energy plans mandate a carbon-free generation sector by 2035. Since new nuclear and carbon capture and sequestration technologies are not economically competitive, subsidized wind


Ontario: Where the Green New Deal Was Tried, Failed and Repealed

 ... … … Ontario gave a Canadian version of the Green New Deal a decade to prove itself and it failed — spectacularly so — for the province citizenry. In February 2009, Ontario, Canada passed its Green Energy Act. The act entailed: increased integration of wind and solar energy into Ontario’s electricity grid, shutting down coal