Biden Shamelessly Attacks Oil and Gas on Over 150 Fronts!

Biden Shamelessly Attacks Oil and Gas on Over 150 Fronts! … … [Editor’s Note: Joe Biden has relentlessly attacked the American consumer by relentlessly attacking oil and gas. Scan this IER list for the more than 150 ways in just 970 days.] Joe Biden and Democrats have a plan for American energy: make it harder


Save Our Cars Coalition Will Fight for Freedom to Travel

Save Our Cars Coalition Will Fight for Freedom to Travel … … [Editor’s Note: The faceless foes controlling Joe Biden are attacking our freedom to travel. A Save Our Cars Coalition is fighting back with the facts to preserve our choices.] The Institute for Energy Research and 31 other national and state-based organizations have launched


New York Goes Peak Madness Over Environmental Justice

New York Goes Peak Madness Over Environmental Justice Roger Caiazza (on the subject of) Independent Researcher and Publisher, Pragmatic Environmentalist of New York   … [Editor’s Note: New Yorkers have elected the worst rulers; officials committed to peak madness over environmental justice that steals the future of every Empire State citizen.] One notable feature of


Green Breakdown: The Big Green Failure Is Already Happening!

Green Breakdown: The Big Green Failure Is Already Happening! Steve Goreham Author, Speaker and Environmental Researcher … … [Editor’s Note: Steve Goreham asks the tough questions. The lack of good answers reveals the “Green Breakdown” that is already happening as green energy puts us all in the red. Can wind, solar, and batteries replace the hydrocarbon


EV Mandates Equal Out-of-Sight, Out-of-Mind Child Labor

EV Mandates Equal Out-of-Sight, Out-of-Mind Child Labor  Ronald Stein Ambassador for Energy & Infrastructure, Irvine, California .. .… … [Editor’s Note: The cruel reality of EV mandates and other “green energy” schemes is that they depend on out-of-sight, out-of-mind child labor in the poorest parts of the world.] Global cobalt demand soared with the advent


Climate Act Is A Planned Mass Exodus Event for New Yorkers

Climate Act Is A Planned Mass Exodus Event for New Yorkers Roger Caiazza (on the subject of) Independent Researcher and Publisher, Pragmatic Environmentalist of New York   … [Editor’s Note: New Yorkers are already leaving the Empire State but a mass exodus is about to happen as the state’s useless Climate Act more than doubles


Clean Car Rules to Force Us Into EVs Will Fail Miserably

Clean Car Rules to Force Us Into EVs Will Fail Miserably Roger Caiazza (on the subject of) Independent Researcher and Publisher, Pragmatic Environmentalist of New York   … [Editor’s Note: Roger delves into the absurdity of clean car rules proposed in New York, and to a state near you soon, that will try in vain


EVs Being Forced on Americans by Biden and the Crash Awaits

EVs Being Forced on Americans by Biden and the Crash Awaits … … [Editor’s Note: Biden’s all-out attempt to shove EVs onto Americans is going to end in a big crash and the warning signs of the approaching boondoggle fiasco are everywhere.] Electric vehicles (EVs) have been heralded as the eco-friendly saviors of our transportation


EV Mirage Is Proving to Be Very Ephemeral Indeed

EV Mirage Is Proving to Be Very Ephemeral Indeed Robert Bradley Founder and CEO of the Institute for Energy Research Principal, MasterResource: A Free-Market Energy Blog…. .… … [Editor’s Note: The EV mirage is suddenly being noticed by media that have advanced this ridiculous solution to the non-problem of global warming.] The climate lobby must


Wind Turbine Waste: The Toxic Result of “Green Energy”

Wind Turbine Waste: The Toxic Result of “Green Energy” Ronald Stein Ambassador for Energy & Infrastructure, Irvine, California .. .… … [Editor’s Note: Wind turbine waste is becoming a major issue as heavily subsidized industrial wind facilities age out and, like the subsidies, the stuff just doesn’t go away.] Wind turbines, once touted by the


Tire Pollution from EVs: Rubber Hits the Road in Real Time

Tire Pollution from EVs: Rubber Hits the Road in Real Time … … [Editor’s Note: Tire pollution! Who knew? The law of unintended consequences always applies to all those “expert” plans, program and schemes that special interests foist on us.] Regulators are finding it is time to work on tire pollution as electric vehicles are


Club of Rome Still Running Things and Boiling Frogs?

Club of Rome Still Running Things and Boiling Frogs? David Blackmon Publisher and Editor, Energy Transition Absurdities … … [Editor’s Note: As hard as it to believe, the completely debunked Club of Rome report from a half-century ago is being cited by today’s gentry who seek to control all of us.] I have written for


Ford A New Casualty of State Planning and Corporate Wokeness

Ford A New Casualty of State Planning and Corporate Wokeness … … [Editor’s Note: Ford Motor Co. gained when it didn’t take Obama’s bailout but, then, new leadership decided to buy into state planning and wokeness with EVs. It judged poorly.] Ford Motor Company announced that it lost $2.1 billion on its EV business in


EVs or EEVs (Emissions Elsewhere Vehicles)? Ask Yourself!

EVs or EEVs (Emissions Elsewhere Vehicles)? Ask Yourself! Robert Bradley Founder and CEO of the Institute for Energy Research Principal, MasterResource: A Free-Market Energy Blog…. .… … [Editor’s Note: EVs are being relentless promoted by Bidenistas and corporatists, but they’re really “Emissions Elsewhere Vehicles,” as a very green “Guardian” article shows.] In The Guardian, a


Birol Bloviates and Gaslights to Perpetuate Green Lies

Birol Bloviates and Gaslights to Perpetuate Green Lies David Blackmon Publisher and Editor, Energy Transition Absurdities … … [Editor’s Note: Fatih Birol is the chief propagandist for the International Energy Agency which is telling tall tales to promote green eggs and scam under the cover of climate. Speaking to the Columbia Global Energy Summit in