Electric Reliability Council Of Texas

Texas Still Blowing It with Reliance on Wind Energy!

Texas Still Blowing It with Reliance on Wind Energy! Robert Bradley Founder and CEO of the Institute for Energy Research Principal, MasterResource: A Free-Market Energy Blog…. .… … [Editor’s Note: Texas, the land of oil and gas, has, sadly, also insanely promoted uneconomic wind energy to the great detriment of all electricity using Texas citizens.]


Heat Waves Show Electric Grids Cannot Rely on Solar and Wind

Heat Waves Show Electric Grids Cannot Rely on Solar and Wind  ... … … [Editor’s Note: Heat waves in Texas and Europe are exposing the foolhardiness of electric grid reliance on subsidized solar and wind, as it wrecks havoc with energy economics.] It doesn’t matter if it is California, Texas or Europe. Electric grid operators


Texas Wind Power Not So Reliable, As It Turns Out

 ... … … Texas wind energy has been touted as a big success, but several years of growth in the wind energy supply have blown away electricity expense budgets. Texas has the most wind capacity of any state, generating about 16 percent of its electricity from wind. In August, as temperatures rose to over 100 degrees and