Energy Is the Coal Mine Canary for Economic Freedom

 Energy Robert Bradley, Jr.Founder and CEO of the Institute for Energy ResearchPrincipal, MasterResource: A Free-Market Energy Blog.. .… … [Editor’s Note: Economic freedom is the only thing that advances society and creates real wealth for all citizens. Big threats to this freedom are evident with energy today] Just months before The Declaration of Independence was


Biodiversity Destruction from Wind and Solar Being Ignored

biodiversityTom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. …. ….  [Editor’s Note: It’s about the land and the species that depend on it, including our. Biodiversity demands we increase energy density to use less land.] Far too much of the campaign against fossil fuels and for renewables such as wind and solar in the name of fighting global


Climate Policy or Climate Injustice (Or Just Climate TomFoolery?)

David KreutzerSenior Economist at Institute for Energy Research … …  [Editor’s Note: Climate policy, as envisioned by global tax and spenders, essentially transfers wealth from the poor to already wealthy elites.] What is the most we should take from a poor person to make somebody who is already four times as rich two-thirds of a


Milton Friedman and His Timeless Insights on Energy and Freedom

Robert Bradley, Jr.Founder and CEO of the Institute for Energy ResearchPrincipal, MasterResource: A Free-Market Energy Blog.. . .. Milton Friedman was a great gift to those valuing freedom, liberty and economic common sense. He was a superb thinker and his insights on energy invaluable. We celebrated, on July 31st, the 107th anniversary of the birth