Energy Security and Freedom

If I Wanted to Plunge America Into Darkness and Despair Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. … … We’re changing our name; NaturalGasNOW is transitioning to Energy Security and Freedom. We’re also changing our location to: Our Sunday newsletter readers already know about this but let me bring the rest of you up to


If I Wanted to Plunge America Into Darkness and Despair

If I Wanted to Plunge America Into Darkness and Despair Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Darkness and despair have descended upon America and one needs to understand it has not been sudden. It’s been happening for 75 years or more and it’s peaking. Paul Harvey used to do “If” stories that were


Flatten the Curve? Again? Yes, Control Is What They Want!

Flatten the Curve? Again? Yes, Control Is What They Want! Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. …. ….  “Flatten the curve” is a bad reminder of the disaster that was the government COVID response. Now, the ruling class wants to do it again with energy lockdowns. Europe is facing an energy crisis of its own