coal plants

China, Having Bought Out Biden, Is Playing Climate with Us!

China, Having Bought Out Biden, Is Playing Climate with Us! Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. ….   [Editor’s Note: China can be beaten at everything but, with compromised Joe Biden in charge, the Chinese Communist Party is implying playing stupid climates games with America.] If you do not regularly read JoNova, you are missing


India, Like China, Ignores Climate Goals and No One Cares?

India, Like China, Ignores Climate Goals and No One Cares?  ...… … [Editor’s Note: India and China perfectly illustrate the reality of the climate scam—that it’s about corporatism and power—not the climate or enviros would call foul on both.] Recently, India asked its utilities not to retire their coal plants until 2030 and the country


Euros, Euros and More Euros for European Energy Foolishness

Euros, Euros and More Euros for European Energy Foolishness Vijay Jayaraj Research Associate: CO2 Coalition.. .… … … [Editor’s Note: Europeans are spending more Euros than ever on energy thanks to the foolishness of European energy policies enabling green grifting off consumers and taxpayers.] Restrictive energy policies have the world staring at an uncertain future.


China Lies and Pursues Coal Strategy As Naive Enviros Buy the Hype

 ... … … [Editor Comment: China is lying yet again as it pretends to be a climate warrior while pursing a coal and green deception strategy to gain ascendancy.] At the September 22nd United Nations meeting, China committed to peak its carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and to be carbon neutral before 2060. However, pledges are