
The “Consumption Interventions” Your Mayor Has Planned for You

The “Consumption Interventions” Mayors Have Planned for You! David Blackmon Publisher and Editor, Energy Transition Absurdities … … [Editor’s Note: Is there any more devious, threatening, Orwellian term than the “consumption interventions,” the World Economic Forum and its big city partners want to impose?] Following the news last week that the the former mayor of


Boston Commoners Sold Out on Electricity by Boston Brahmins!

Boston Commoners Sold Out on Electricity by Boston Brahmins! Jim Willis on NGL Pipelines Editor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN)   [Editor’s Note: Boston is saddled with Brahmin politicians with zero interest in the plight of the common man in paying the electric bill as they play the phony climate game.] Here’s a fact that mainstream


RMI New Electrify-All City-Focused Report Omits Natural Gas Reality

As part of ongoing efforts to force U.S. consumers to get rid of their natural gas appliances, a new Rocky Mountain Institute report compares costs and emissions between mixed-fuel and all-electric households in selected cities across the United States. The city-focused report nebulously presents data on both the up-front costs when buying a house and


Boston Gets More Gas and It’s Not the Beans! Really!

Jim WillisEditor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN) Boston will get a lot lot more gas soon and not from those Boston beans. It will be as a result of a Kinder Morgan pipeline upgrade fought by its idiot pols. Among a flurry of new approvals, last Thursday the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) gave final approval


Pipeline Blockades in Mid-Atlantic Obscure Huge Progress Elsewhere

Garland L. Thompson, Esq.Journalist and Author, Philadelphia Garland Thompson tells us not to be distracted by pipeline blockades in the politically correct Northeast because shale gas is headed south in a big way. News that a U.S. court upheld Maryland’s refusal to permit a planned 3.5-mile gas pipeline to cross state land to reach West


Pipeline Opponents Are Letting the Nonexistent Crowd Out the Great

Keep It Grounded In Fact(American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers)      Pipeline opponents are some of the most irrational people. They’ve talked some agencies into going well beyond letting the perfect be the enemy of the good. When it comes to pipeline opponents, all too often it’s not a case of “letting the perfect crowd