MVP Asks Supreme Court Chief Justice to Overturn 4th Circuit Stay

Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP), in a move largely anticipated and expected, filed an “emergency application” on Friday with the U.S. Supreme Court, requesting the court block the recent “stay” on two key permits needed to complete the 94% completed MVP project recently imposed by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit (see All…


Global Warming Fanaticism Now Infecting the Fine Art World

This one has us laughing our considerably fat rear-ends off. The left long ago corrupted science, turning it from the pursuit of objective facts into forced obedience to political opinions (i.e., global warming is caused by fossil fuels). The left issues mountains of data–graphs, tables, pictures–that supposedly prove they are correct with their opinions and…


Radical Sierra Club Tries to Block Driftwood LNG in 5th Circuit

Driftwood LNG, a 27.6 million tonnes of LNG per year facility that will cost on the order of $16.8 billion to build, has not made an official final investment decision (FID) to proceed with building the FERC-approved project. However, construction began on the project in March 2022 (see Tellurian Begins Construction of Driftwood LNG with…


All Construction of MVP Stopped as 4th Circuit Stays Second Permit

Yesterday MDN told you that on Monday, the clown judges from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit (i.e., the 4th Circus) illegally stayed a THIRD permit issued by the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) for Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) to traverse a piddly 3.5 miles of the federally-owned Jefferson National Forest (see Colluding…


Buckeye Brine Seeks Permit for 4th Injection Well in Coshocton, OH

MDN has covered news about wastewater injection well company Buckeye Brine for more than a decade (see our Buckeye Brine stories here). Over the years, the company has drilled and safely operated three injection wells at the same location in Coshocton County, OH. Buckeye recently filed an application with the Ohio EPA to drill and…


PA DEP Sec. Negrin Sucks Up to Radical Anti-Drillers on Conf Call

What a disappointment Rich Negrin has turned out to be as Secretary of the Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection. During a DEP Citizens Advisory Council meeting held yesterday in Harrisburg (and remotely, via teleconference), several virulent anti-fossil fuelers addressed the council, making wild claims against the DEP. Negrin simply accepted their babbling and told them…


Colluding 4th Circuit Judges Do It Again – MVP Halted in Jeff Forest

Three judges from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit (i.e., clown judges from 4th Circus) yesterday Congress, the President, and the entire country the judicial equivalent of the double-barrel middle finger by illegally ruling to block the construction of the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) through 3.5 miles of Jefferson National Forest–for a…


Tiny Group Protests Fracking Under Ohio’s Salt Fork State Park

In early June, shale drillers could, for the first time, begin to apply for permits to drill under (not on top of) Ohio state lands and state parks under newly formulated rules established by the Ohio Oil & Gas Land Management (OGLM) Commission (see Ohio State Lands Now Open for O&G Leasing – Virtual Ribbon-Cutting)….


PA House Votes 102-101 to Study Marcellus-Busting Severance Tax

Pennsylvania’s Democrat Party is hellbent on driving the Marcellus Shale industry out of the state. They have been for years. That’s just a truthful observation and beyond dispute. The latest evidence is the party’s insistence on adding a severance tax on top of the existing impact fee, PA’s version of a severance tax. The Dems…


Bidenistas Reject Radical Calls to Phase Out O&G on Public Lands

When the Bidenistas act outside of their predictable, normal behavior, it raises a red flag, making us wonder what they are up to. Last week a leftist who works in the Biden Department of Interior told a group of rabid leftists (her philosophical kin) the Biden administration will not, as the group demands, “phase down…


Enviro Groups Pressure PA Gov. Shapiro for Right to Block CCS

So sick with hatred for fossil fuels is the left, that they have turned on one of their own solutions to the “climate crisis,” which is capturing and storing (or sequestering) carbon dioxide, often shortened to CCS (carbon capture and sequestration). The left fears that successful CCS will lead to continued, or even (gasp) an…


Invenergy Gas-Fired Plant in SWPA Given Extra 18 Mos. to Build

In January 2016, Invenergy announced its intention to build a natural gas-powered electric plant in Elizabeth Township, in Allegheny County, PA (see Invenergy Eyes SWPA for Second Marcellus-Powered Electric Plant). It took a few years, a lawsuit, and a new location, but eventually, Elizabeth commissioners approved Invenergy’s plan in December 2018 (see Elizabeth Twp in…


Left’s New Strategy: Buy O&G Companies, Force Them to “Go Green”

The left is insidious–and relentless. They thought they had a winning issue with so-called ESG, or Environment, Social, and Governance. Basically, what the left means by ESG is don’t invest in or use fossil fuel energy (E), everything is racist (S), and the government is always right when Democrats are in charge (G). One of…


Small Group of Antis Oppose Dominion Chesterfield Peaker Plant

Once upon a time, Dominion Energy, a huge utility company headquartered in Richmond, Virginia, had a plan to build four small “peaker” electric generating plants in Chester County, VA, a Richmond suburb. Then COVID hit, and the plan went on hold. Dominion recently dusted off its plan and announced it would seek state approval for…


Self-Appointed Group Issues Guidelines to Police Co. Climate Claims

The Voluntary Carbon Market Integrity Initiative (VCMI), formed with funding by some of the biggest funders of Big Green causes, has officiously announced the publication of a new “Claims Code of Practice” that private companies WILL adopt–or be forced out of business. The Code of Practice is aimed at forcing companies to stop using anything…