Cecil Twp Hellbent to Ban New Shale Drilling via 2,500-Ft Setback

The Board of Supervisors for Cecil Township in Washington County, PA, caved to pressure from radical leftists and, by a vote of 3-2, instructed the town’s solicitor to prepare a new zoning ordinance that increases setbacks from “protected structures” from 500 feet to 2,500 feet (a half a mile!), and add a setback of 5,000…


Antis Attack Iroquois Plan to Expand Connecticut Compressor Stn

Iroquois Gas Transmission’s Enhancement by Compression (ExC) project would increase horsepower at three compression stations — two in New York and one in Connecticut — by an extra 125 MMcf/d, to flow more Marcellus/Utica gas into New York City and New England. The two NY compressors include one in Dover and one in Athens. The…


DRBC Appoints New Executive Director Figurehead

DRBC Deputy Executive Director Kristen Bowman Kavanagh, P.E. In 1961, the federal government and the governments of Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New York made a huge mistake. They entered into an agreement that created the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC). The DRBC has the independent legal authority to oversee and manage the Delaware River…


NY Gov. Hochul Makes it Clear That She Hates Fracking

Yesterday, MDN told you that if The Cackler (Kamala Harris) can turn on a dime and supposedly embrace fracking, why can’t leftist New York Governor Kathy Hochul do the same (see A Plea to NY Gov. Hochul to Overturn the Ban on Fracking in Upstate). Perhaps Harris’ supposed change of heart would inspire (give excuse…


3 NatGas Pipes Serving Maine Seek Rate Increase of 30-50%

The State of Maine has a completely unrealistic climate goal of using 80% renewable energy generation by 2030. It 100% won’t happen. But state officials continue to fart around pretending they will hit that goal. Meanwhile, back in the real world, natural gas remains THE key energy source for the state, generating more than half…


A Plea to NY Gov. Hochul to Overturn the Ban on Fracking in Upstate

We spotted an opinion piece in the New York Post with the provocative title, “With Kamala Harris now in favor, Hochul should let upstate NY frack, baby, frack.” It’s part tongue-in-cheek and part serious. If The Cackler can turn on a dime and supposedly embrace fracking, why can’t leftist Kathy Hochul? (Of course, Harris hasn’t…


Cecil Twp Proposes Ban on New Shale Drilling via 2,500-Ft Setback

The Board of Supervisors for Cecil Township in Washington County, PA, has caved to pressure from radical leftists and is floating a plan to effectively ban all new shale drilling in the township by increasing setbacks from “protected structures” from 500 feet to 2,500 feet (a half a mile!). The supervisors will hold a special…


Global Warming Nutters Get More Shrill with Predictions of Doom

As we often point out when discussing the fugitive methane issue, the number one source of fugitive methane emissions, at 40%, is Mom Earth herself (i.e., “natural”). The number two source, at 24%, is agriculture. The number three source, at 21%, is oil and gas operations. Yet global warming nutjobs ONLY focus on emissions from…


EDF’s Methane Planes & Satellites Measuring the Wrong Sources

A Ph.D. writing an article for the Forbes website touts efforts by the radicalized Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) in sniffing out methane by using both planes and (now) satellites. The Ph.D. opens his article with a factually incorrect statement: “MethaneSAT is a satellite designed to measure emissions of methane, the second most common greenhouse gas…


ET $300M Lawsuit v. Big Green Pipe Violence Gets Court Hearing

A lawsuit being heard this summer is designed to hold Big Green groups responsible for their actions. Energy Transfer (ET), the owner and operator of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAP), is suing Greenpeace and other alleged instigators for $300 million for the damages sustained by the company as a result of violent protests incited by…


Upstate NY Bitcoin Miner Sues DEC to Keep Plant Operating

New York State has become the North Korea of the United States. It is narrow and parochial and devoid of freedom. If you operate a business in New York and you are not in a protected or favored class, or if your business does not bribe someone in the Democrat Party, you are in danger…


Leftists Argue for Ban on AI Because It Uses Too Much Electricity

For a leftist, the glass is always half empty, and the pie is always a fixed size. Conservatives, on the other hand, believe in human ingenuity and the American spirit of bigger and better and can-do and let’s get it done. It’s a stark contrast. Here’s the perfect example. Big pipeline companies and others are…


Antis Launch Satellite to Detect CO2 & Methane Emissions

Tanager-1 On Friday, the Tanager-1 methane and carbon dioxide (CO2) sniffing satellite launched from California. Tanager-1 can detect major emitters of CO2 and methane. It was created by a coalition involving Carbon Mapper, Planet Labs, and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, with funding from groups such as Mike Bloomberg and the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation. Yeah,…


Antis Ignored by Bidenistas at ARCH2 Hydrogen Hub Briefing

Have you ever noticed how anti-drilling leftists demand the right to mouth off whenever and wherever they want? If you deny them that opportunity, they get grumpy, fast. Last Friday, representatives from the U.S. Dept. of Energy and private company Allegheny Science and Technology (coordinating the Appalachian Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub, or ARCH2) held a…