NJ First State to Require K-12 Climate Change Brainwashing

This is deeply disturbing and angering. The State of New Jersey passed a law in 2020 (signed into law by Phil Murphy) that requires forced teaching (i.e., brainwashing) of so-called climate change (man-made catastrophic global warming and fossil fuels are evil) to the state’s children in grades kindergarten through 12th. We have descended into full…


Post-Gazette, Bloomberg Spread Propaganda re Pitt Fracking Studies

It’s really sad, and sick, and twisted to watch what’s happening after Pittsburgh University (Pitt) researchers released three deeply flawed “studies” that don’t prove anything (see Pitt Releases Fake Research, Claims PA Fracking Linked to Kid Cancer). Parents in southwestern PA who have kids with cancer (or have died from cancer) have been fed a…


NY Grid Operator Again Warns NYC Heading for Blackouts re Peakers

It will be lights-out in Times Square if New York insists on forcing peaker plants to close in 2025. That’s according to Rich Dewey, president and CEO of the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO), the nonprofit that oversees the state’s electricity system. Dewey has warned the state for YEARS of coming blackouts if peaker…


Gov. Shapiro Plans to Use Fake Pitt Studies to Push BIG Setbacks

This is so frustrating. Last week Pittsburgh University (Pitt) issued fake research reports that supposedly link proximity to shale wells with a minuscule (less than one-tenth of one percent) rise in one type of childhood cancer (see Pitt Releases Fake Research, Claims PA Fracking Linked to Kid Cancer). The so-called research has been destroyed by…


PA DEP Issues Interim “Final” Shale-Drilling-is-Racist Regulation

On August 17, the Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP) posted an Interim Final Environmental Justice Policy to guide DEP’s permit application reviews and outreach efforts in environmental justice areas throughout the Commonwealth. New Environmental Justice (or EJ) policies are a euphemism for regulations that prohibit drilling and pipelines built in neighborhoods of color or…


EID, MSC Destroy Pitt Fake Study Tying Fracking to Cancer in Kids

Earlier this week, Pittsburgh University (Pitt) researchers released three studies commissioned by the State Dept. of Health supposedly investigating whether or not there is a connection between shale drilling and childhood diseases, including cancer (see Pitt Releases Fake Research, Claims PA Fracking Linked to Kid Cancer). Our position from the beginning, when Pitt received $2.5…


PA Gov. Shapiro’s Anti-Marcellus Views Reflected in New DEP Regs

In 2018, Pennsylvania’s then-Attorney General, Josh Shapiro, assembled a grand jury to “investigate” Marcellus drillers. He lied to them for over two years and eventually got them to indict a number of Marcellus companies on trumped-up charges. The so-called grand jury issued a report (which was actually authored by Shapiro and his minions) in June…


Antis Still Fuming Over Mass. Town Installing 1-Mile Gas Pipeline

Three weeks ago, MDN told you about the small community of Douglas, Massachusetts, that had outsmarted Big Green by getting Eversource to build a one-mile pipeline extension into Douglas to feed a mammoth new warehouse project (see Massachusetts Town Quietly Installs Gas Pipeline, Antis Livid). The radicals are still hopping mad that they had no…


28 U.S. House Democrats Ask FERC to Reject MVP Southgate Project

A group of 28 House Democrats asked the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to deny a request from the developers of the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) to extend the project 75 miles into North Carolina, called MVP Southgate, arguing in a letter this week that Southgate’s construction would pose serious climate and environmental risks to…


Pitt Releases Fake Research, Claims PA Fracking Linked to Kid Cancer

We now have the perfect example of how the government corrupts science. In 2020, Pennsylvania’s then-Gov. Tom Wolf gave $2.5 million (via his Dept. of Health) to Pittsburgh University (Pitt) with instructions to research whether or not a single cause, shale drilling, is linked to a small cluster of rare childhood cancers in southwestern PA…


Final Lawsuit Against MVP Holds on by a Thread in DC Circuit

In April, the U.S. Supreme Court breathed new life into a long-running lawsuit funded by Big Green groups using (abusing) a small group of uppity Virginia landowners who argue the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) had no right to delegate authority to Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) to use eminent domain to cross land, including the…


4th Circuit Sees the Light, Dismisses Remaining Two MVP Lawsuits

Looks like the three Democrat judges of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit (4th Circuit) value their own jobs more than defeating the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) project. On Friday, the three-judge panel that has opposed MVP in just about every decision they’ve issued since 2018 dismissed the remaining two cases against…


MVP Antis Spread Lies About Pipes Sitting in the Sun Too Long

Even though the radicalized left has been defeated in their attempts to block the 303-mile Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) project, they won’t go quietly (they never do). The liars of the left are trying to plant seeds of fear and doubt in the residents of West Virginia and Virginia that as soon as the remaining…


Eversource Drilling 90 Boreholes in Mass. – Pollute Groundwater?

We guarantee that if an oil and gas company announced it was in the process of drilling 90 boreholes 700 feet deep (through the groundwater table) to extract oil and gas in the bastion of liberalism known as Massachusetts, the leftist mainstream media would have a stroke. There would be protests. There would be nutballs…


PA Dept. of Health to Release $2.5M Study on Shale & Kid Cancer

In December 2020, then-Gov. Tom Wolf announced a $2.5 million contract had been awarded to the University of Pittsburgh (Pitt) Graduate School of Public Health to “conduct research on the potential health effects of hydraulic fracturing in Pennsylvania” (see Pitt Researchers Get $2.5M for Fake Study to Link Shale & Kid Cancer). As we have…