NY Judge Upholds Permit Denial to Gas-Fired Plant for Crypto

New York State has become the North Korea of the United States. It is narrow and parochial and devoid of freedom. If you operate a business in New York and you are not in a protected or favored class, or if your business does not bribe someone in the Democrat Party, you are in danger…


Trust in Mainstream Media’s Paid-For Climate Reporting Collapsing

Reporters like to portray themselves as truth-tellers who hold the powerful accountable. In reality, many of them are hired guns who publish propaganda under the guise of doing journalism. For example, did you know that the Associated Press takes in millions of dollars from philanthropies — the Hewlett Foundation, Walton Family Foundation, and others —…


Mike Bloomberg Spending $85M to Block Petrochem Plants in M-U, Gulf

Michael Bloomberg, the eleventh richest person in the world (with an ego to match his enormous wealth), has already spent $500 million of his personal fortune to shut down coal plants operating in the U.S. (but not anywhere else, like China). Yesterday, Bloomberg pledged to spend another $500 million to finish the job. He also…


ORVI Tries to Pee All Over WV Coal-to-Hydrogen Power Plant Project

The old Energy Harbor coal-fired power plant in Pleasants County, WV, which had been offline since June 1 and was scheduled to be demolished, recently roared back to life under new ownership (see WV Coal Power Plant Roars Back to Life, Will Convert to Hydrogen). Omnis Fuel Technologies invested $800 million to restart operations at…


PA Dem Senators Intro Bill to Ban New Shale Drilling Using Setbacks

In April, MDN told you about a radicalized faction within the Pennsylvania Democrat Party trying yet another ploy to block all new Marcellus drilling in the state (see PA House Bill 170 Kills New Marcellus Drilling Using Setbacks). Danielle Friel Otten, a committed anti-fossil fueler representing part of Chester County (Philadelphia area) in the Pennsylvania…


Anti Challenge to Northern Access Pipe Dealt Blow in DC Circuit

National Fuel Gas Company (NFG) and its pipeline subsidiary Empire Pipeline have worked on a plan to build the Northern Access Pipeline since 2016. Northern Access is a 97-mile project from McKean County in Pennsylvania into and through Allegany, Cattaraugus, and Erie counties in New York that will flow Marcellus gas into New York State….


Biden Gives Middle Finger to Senate, Appoints Gas Stove Nazi Anyway

This is how lawless dictators behave. The U.S. Senate, charged with approving the people who run various governmental agencies, including the Dept. of Energy, rejected Jeff Marootian, nominated by Joe Biden to be the assistant secretary of the Dept. of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE). Why? Joe Manchin said Marootian wants…


WSJ Exposes SEC Chairman Gary Gensler as Anti-O&G Climate Zealot

Congress created and chartered the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), but the President appoints the person who runs it. The Bidenista currently running the SEC, Gary Gensler, is a real piece of work. He wants to permanently institutionalize requirements requiring publicly traded companies to disclose their so-called greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and the imaginary climate…


Emissions Update for Proposed Dominion Peaker Plant in Va.

Dominion Energy, a huge utility company headquartered in Richmond, Virginia, recently revived a plan to build four small “peaker” electric generating plants in Chesterfield County, VA, a Richmond suburb (see Dominion Plans to Build 1,000-MW Gas Peaker Plant Near Richmond, VA). The Chesterfield Energy Reliability Center in the James River Industrial Center calls for building…


Biden EPA Just Cut FERC Off at the Knees re Certifying New Pipes

In April 2019, President Trump signed an Executive Order (EO) instructing the Environmental Protection Agency to review Section 401 of the Clean Water Act–the section that grants states (and tribes) the right to have a say in pipeline and other infrastructure projects (see Trump Signs Executive Order Making it Harder to Block Pipes). In keeping…


Is Fracking Good for Pennsylvania? MSC Destroys Anti-Fracking Screed

The nutters are out in full force, particularly in Pennsylvania, using fraudulent “studies” by the Ohio River Valley Insititute (ORVI) and (sadly) the University of Pittsburgh (Pitt) to call for an end to the Marcellus industry in the great Keystone State. A recent “letter to the editor” appearing in the Sunbury (PA) Daily Item is…


Lefties Say Columbia Virginia Reliability Pipe Project is Racist

In August 2022, Columbia Gas Transmission (a subsidiary of TC Energy) filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to build the Virginia Reliability Project (VRP), which includes two new compressor units and the replacement of existing pipeline (see Columbia Files w/FERC to Replace 48 Miles of Pipe in Southeast Va.). VRP will add 100…


Maine Cement Plant Closing Because Gas Pipeline was Canceled

Actions have consequences. Environuts, like the lefties in Maine, seem to forget that. In early 2021, Summit Natural Gas of Maine, a regional utility company, announced plans to extend its service territory into Maine’s Midcoast region with a $90 million pipeline project (see Summit Natural Gas of Maine Plans Small $90M Pipe in Midcoast). The…


MVP Files Lawsuit Against Anti Groups, Protesters for $4 Million

Aggressive “protesters” and the nonprofits that organize and send them out are finally getting some of their own medicine. Big Green funds frivolous lawsuits, and when those lawsuits are finally exhausted (and have failed), Big Green pays protesters to engage in illegal stunts aimed at shutting down the construction of projects like the 94% completed…


Fossil Energy-Hating Ohio River Valley Inst. Hates Hydrogen Too

The Ohio River Valley Institute (ORVI) is nothing more than a front group, another name for the ultra-left, biased, and virulent anti-fossil fuel Heinz Endowments. ORVI pokes its head up periodically to issue “reports” (i.e., propaganda) bashing fossil energy, like a recently updated report claiming the shale industry didn’t create any jobs or economic benefit…