Republicans Are Abandoning Upstate New York It Seems

Victor Furman
Upstate New York Landowner, Shale Gas Activist



Republicans have essentially abandoned Upstate New York, says Vic Furman, who wants to speak up and stand up to fight for a change.

I offer the following open letter to every Upstate New York Republican legislator from a fellow Republican who is disgusted, saddened and sick to death of your lack of leadership on the issues that matter to the 35 or so counties who aren’t under the shadow of the Big Rotten Apple.

We the people of Upstate New York have voted for you, over and over and over, in the vain hope of being represented by you as we deserve to be. But, you have failed us. Most recently it was bail reform. Before that, it was late term abortion as Democrats celebrated and filled the air with pink lights in celebration. And, then, there was the Safe Act, of course. It’s been one failure after another; so many more failures to list. And, it’s not just the failures to stop these atrocities that galls—the votes are in the cities, after all—but your failure to even fight, protest or speak up. You have abandoned us.

During the corona pandemic the entire Albany machine, of which you are part, left Albany when the people needed leadership the most, giving Cuomo full war powers to effectively change hundreds of laws. Perhaps, just perhaps, if the many thousands of grandparents who died chocking on their own phlegm had someone but Cuomo making decisions… a better outcome would have been celebrated, lives spared. You didn’t care enough to even say “wait a minute.”

Come January 2021, Cuomo will also sign an executive order banning natural gas drilling; a move he has been promising for three years. Where is our representation? When you, our local legislators met with landowner groups during your campaigns, you promised farmers and landowners you would fight for their right to drill. Now, you’re silent. You say and do precisely nothing. You’re content to be a quiet minority and enjoys the perks of being our elected officials. You’ve accepted the wolves’ promise to eat you last if you’ll just act like sheep.

Almost 250 years ago our government was born in barns, pubs and state houses to fight a tyrannical British Government. They were men who knew what it took to be free, men who knew what the sacrifices would be. Against all odds, they defeated the world’s strongest known monarchy. They fought. Today, our representatives, Republicans by name for the most part, are more apt to circulate a useless do nothing survey or hold a meaningless “summit” than fight or even whisper a single word against the tyrant who is methodically destroying Upstate.

You’re not men of action. And, you don’t have to act like sheep; you are sheep. You seek only to perpetuate a perception that you provide great constituent service in navigating the tyranny you allowed to be created instead of fighting back and giving we the people what we long for and desperately need in the way of leadership.

You celebrate your paydays with empty gestures taken, raising your cowardly heads only when it serves yourselves at election time, then crawl back in your holes for two or four more years. You are the reason Upstate New York is dying, as it is you who failed to stand up for it and for those who put you in office.

I only wish I had the opportunity to stand and fight in the halls of Albany, but that was not meant to be in 2020. Nonetheless, we still need voices who, at the very least, are willing to defy our corrupt state government—disruptors—and save the great state of New York even from itself. You were elected to do just that and your failure to utter even a word of resistance put you among the enemies of freedom and the enablers of tyranny itself.

I am a proud Republican, but I am tired of the inaction of our state’s Republicans. I want Republican leadership that values life, worship and all that is promised in our Constitution.  I want citizen legislators willing to serve without pay, because justice and freedom.should be served by men and woman willing to do so with a commitment to their community not their wallets. Our government was built with the blood of the brave, not the gold of the greedy it now represents. You have abandoned freedom. You have abandoned freedom Upstate. You have abandoned all of us.

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