NYSEG Leads Lansing Into A Cold and Dark Never Never Land

Tom Shepstone
Shepstone Management Company, Inc.


Lansing is the dying part of Planet Ithaca where no one can get the natural gas they need thanks to NYSEG and pipeline opponents.

What is happening in Lansing, NY is absolute insanity possible only in the political correct worlds of places such New York and, especially Planet Ithaca. It is a world where it is imagined academic snobbery is science, conformance with trendy ideas is wisdom and being left is right. It is a place dedicated to enforcing the cutting edge of radicalism as the rule of the day.

Pipeline opposition is a given because natural gas is a fossil fuel and the best people say they’re so yesterday. Therefore, the Town of Lansing, a Planet Ithaca moon of sorts, hasn’t been able to get a short pipeline built that solve its shortage problem. Moreover, NYSEG, which should be on the side of the folks needing service and insisting on a pipeline, has decided it’s better to let Lansing folks pound salt than offend Governor Cuorruptocrat. So, it’s telling those folks to just turn down the thermostat.


A scene from Lansing that’s likely to be seen more and more given NYSEG’s failure to fight for gas.

The news release from NYSEG, yet another entity under the thumb of America’s most corrupt governor, has to be read to be believed:

NYSEG announced today that the company filed a proposal with the New York State Public Service Commission to implement Non-Pipe Alternative (NPA) solutions in the Town of Lansing, New York that will improve reliability of the company’s natural gas system. The NPA solutions are substitutes for traditional gas capital projects, such as pipelines, that utilize alternative technologies to address natural gas system reliability needs. This petition is among one of the first of its kind in New York State to use a portfolio of innovative solutions that, when implemented together, will strengthen the reliability of service for the company’s gas customers in Lansing.

“This filing demonstrates our commitment to finding innovative solutions to traditional problems,” said Carl A. Taylor, President and CEO of NYSEG and RG&E. “The company worked hard to collaborate with many local stakeholders on a solution to the challenges faced and we’re proud to be able to lead this effort in Tompkins County. As a result, the safety and reliability of service for thousands of customers will be strengthened for years to come.”

The solutions recommended by the company were chosen through a competitive proposal process and were submitted to the Public Service Commission in August for approval. The recommended solutions include residential and non-residential heat pump installations, a community loop ground source heat pump project, the installation of gas energy efficiency solutions, industrial heat recovery, and a coordinated public education and outreach effort.

The innovative solutions in the proposal were included because they achieve the company’s goal of supporting reliable energy supply for gas customers without the installation of new natural gas pipelines. These solutions will reduce the amount of natural gas used by existing customers, utilizing beneficial electrification and other approaches to meet energy needs, and most efficiently meet the reliability needs of the customers in the area compared to other proposals submitted. This plan reduces the demand on traditional natural gas that customers use to heat their homes, water, and appliances by providing alternate energy sources to meet customer needs.

The solutions being recommended by NYSEG in the petition are designed to enhance the reliability of service for existing customers in the Lansing area, while also supporting the energy and environmental goals contained in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA).

Currently, NYSEG serves 268,806 natural gas customers statewide and more than 2,300 in the Lansing area who will benefit from these innovative solutions. One of the projects included in this petition has already been completed, and the remaining projects are scheduled to begin in 2020 and be completed by 2025.

This Lansing NPA project is expected to help inform future NPA efforts within the company’s service area.

This news release is insulting to the intelligence of anyone with half a brain. Let me put the PR speak into plain words:

Governor Cuorruptocrat has threatened us to get behind his Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act and, frankly, it’s easier for us to go along than fight for you. After all, we can pass whatever costs of anything we do to you anyway. That’s why your electricity costs so much, but what do we care? You say you want more natural gas, but Andy says we can’t do that, so here’s the best we can do; buy a heat pump or turn your thermostat. If that doesn’t work, move to Pennsylvania, They say it’s better there for people like you and, speaking candidly, we’d just as soon see you go anyway. After all, that’ll avoid us ever having to do anything for you whatsoever. Do you understand? If not, we’ll send you some propaganda we expect will show you why you just were meant for Planet Ithaca and would be happier elsewhere out of our sight.

There’s really nothing more to say, is there? So much of New York has gone completely over the edge. It’s well on its way to Venezuela, in fact.

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